The law of attraction can be a wonderful tool to help you react to and get the most out of your fate. However, ignoring the other important spiritual laws* is shortsighted and can lead to disappointment or worse. Below I list sixteen reasons not to rely only the law of attraction when attempting to reach a goal.
- You can’t control everything: If your life unfolded solely based on your thoughts and emotions, it would create a sense of pressure to try to control everything. Accepting that law of attraction is only one spiritual law allows you to accept and cope with circumstances outside of your control.
- Difficulties are a part of life: challenging things can happen to anyone regardless of their mindset. They’re also important for learning and growth, and can help you develop resilience and coping mechanisms.
- You won’t rely too much on thoughts and emotions to manifest goals: When you consider the other spiritual laws besides the law of attraction, you’re more likely to realize the importance of taking action towards goals, and at the right times.
- You’ll save time and money: Some people and organizations may use the law of attraction to sell expensive courses or products that promise to help people manifest their desires.
- It promotes realistic expectations: The law of attraction suggests you can have anything you want by thinking positively. In reality, achieving a goal requires effort, discipline, and having fate on your side. Life is unpredictable and sometimes things don’t go as planned, which can lead to disappointment. Realistic expectations will help you cope with setbacks.
- It discourages too much magical thinking: Rejecting that thoughts alone create reality encourages critical thinking and a more rational approach to achieving goals.
- It encourages people to seek help: If the law of attraction was the crucial factor in reaching goals, it would be easy to assume you have complete control over your life, and seeking help could be viewed as a weakness.
- It promotes self-reflection: You’re more likely to reflect on your actions and decisions to understand what you can improve and how you can reach your goals.
- It encourages gratitude: Rather than focusing solely on what you desire, it’s important to appreciate what you have in your life currently.
- It promotes healthy relationships: The law of attraction suggests that you can attract positive people into your life solely through positive thinking. However, healthy relationships require effort, communication, and mutual respect, which cannot be only achieved through thoughts.
- It promotes personal growth by encouraging you to develop resilience, and work towards your goals through hard work, discipline, and perseverance.
- It removes the pressure to think positively constantly: The idea that negative thoughts will attract negative outcomes can create pressure to suppress negative emotions and thoughts, which isn’t healthy in the long run. Accepting negative emotions and experiences can help you get beyond them.
- It encourages critical thinking: If the law of attraction were always true, it would suggest that people who experience negative events are responsible for attracting them, which is not always the case.
- It allows for a better understanding of success and failure: If the law of attraction were always true, it would suggest that people who are successful always “created” it, and that people who fail always “created” that, which is shortsighted.
- It encourages acceptance of reality: The idea that people can simply “manifest” their desires can create unrealistic expectations and make it difficult to accept reality as it is.
- Last, but certainly not least, the role of fate: The law of attraction ignores the role of fate in people’s lives, which can be significant.
*Read about “Other Spiritual Laws, some that Eclipse the Law of Attraction” in chapter 2 of my book Your Soul Knows, available free for limited time:
Copyright © 2023 Stephen Petullo
Tip: Do you want to be more aware of spiritual guidance and when to act on it? Clear your energy! Spiritual clutter can be so heavy at times it’s like a fog that distorts your perception. One way is with the easy 10-minute Spiritual Detox Script in chapter 5 of my free ebook download Your Soul Knows. Doing so will also help you let go of fears and stress, and protect from spiritual troublemakers.