A new poll shows that likely voters in Colorado are in support of Amendment 64, the ballot measure that seeks legalization and regulation of marijuana.
Personally, I think it should be decriminalized, that it’s ridiculous to waste tax dollars and prison space incarcerating pot smokers and dealers.
However, I’m afraid that if it’s legalized, too many people will assume it’s fine to use regularly and fail to understand the spiritual side effects, which are not always obvious but can be devastating.
3 Reasons Why It’s Important to Avoid All Drugs, Even “Just Pot.”
1) Drugs keep you in a haze and disconnect you from your intuition, sometimes for weeks or months after using, making it difficult to perceive life and your best options clearly.
2) Drugs weaken your protective aura and energy level and attract spiritual parasites, lost souls, and even dark energy, and enable them to feed off you and interfere with your life. For more information, click here: http://www.holisticmakeover.com/SpiritualDetox.htm.
3) Drugs can stimulate a “spiritual experience,” but it will likely be misleading and inauthentic, and they can create blocks to true spiritual awareness and understanding.
Do you want to make the most of yourself and your life? If so, avoid all street drugs and learn how to feel good without them.
Copyright © 2012 Stephen Petullo
photo credit: Federacion de asociaciones cannabicas via photo pin cc