Thoughts are things. If you direct anger or other negative emotions at someone they will sense it on some level. Those thoughts can cause them to think unfavorably about you, which will start a negative energy ping pong rally and cause unnecessary stress or worse if you’re sensitive to energy.
How do you prevent this? Even if you’re still upset with the person for whatever reason, instead of holding a grudge, imagine you are sending them white Light or unconditional love. At the very least, when you catch yourself feeling negative emotions about that person, say in your mind “cancel, cancel, cancel” and imagine yourself surrounded and protected by a bright White Light.
These simple exercises will diffuse the negative energy and can, if you allow it, be the beginning of more harmony between you two.
Copyright © 2013 Stephen Petullo
photo credit: D.o.M.e.N.i.C.o (memmo77 su Ruzzle :D) via photopin cc