Hi Stephen, I am an old soul and light worker. I understand that life is a valuable gift, but I don’t want to be here anymore. I feel like I’ve been there, done that, and I’m not impressed. I know that as a light worker, I volunteered to help the ascension of the earth and mankind. But I don’t want to reincarnate anymore. I keep asking my spirit guides if I’m earning my ascension and choose to never return, but I don’t get an answer.
Please tell me if I have fulfilled my soul contract and achieved ascension and if I can stop incarnating. Also, will I ascend to heaven and experience what’s promised there? What happens if I don’t reach ascension but refuse to reincarnate? Am I doomed? Can I choose not to reincarnate again? Thanks, Dean
Hi Dean,
The easiest way to fulfill your soul contract and work through all your karma is to put one foot in front of the other each day and do your best. Also, try to treat others as you want to be treated so you don’t create additional negative karma (though most of us probably will; we’re only human, after all).
I understand your feelings about not wanting to be here because sometimes I don’t either, but we must make the most of it.
Your soul chose to incarnate for many important reasons. It’s your mind that is unsatisfied with your life. Therefore, it’s up to you to change what you can and accept what you can’t.
I don’t believe that most people alive today are close to reaching ascension (finished working through all their karma) and you probably wouldn’t still be incarnated if you had completed what you came here for this time.
Heaven, or life after death, is a collection of realms and levels. What’s “promised” in heaven? Promised by whom? You go to the level you’ve earned by your actions.
After the death of the body, most souls go to “the Light” or other side and reflect on their mistakes and victories from the last life, rest, learn, and plan for their next life.
Can you choose not to reincarnate again? Souls apparently can choose to stay on the other side, but eventually most decide to return to Earth to work through karma and other reasons, and one of those reasons is to enjoy life!
Read as many sources about life after death and life between life as you can. You will find helpful information and feel better about being here. Focus on NDEs (near death experiences) and past life regression insight.
Also consider experiencing past life regression. This will give you even more insight and help you be more accepting of your current life.
If you really are a light worker, you incarnated in part to help others. So get to work and do what you can. Volunteering and helping people less fortunate might help you feel grateful for this life instead of allowing your mind (and diet?) to drag you down into a negative state.
Finally, don’t forget to make time for things that bring you joy. We may as well have fun while we’re here, right?
Copyright © 2016 Stephen Petullo
4 Responses
I believe that when and if a soul decides not to reincarnate the physical dynamic has to be taken into account. Those who have to cope with a life time of illness , both physical and mental, may well tend to feel they want no more to do with life on earth or other planets and perhaps make the deliberate choice not to reincarnate, choosing rather the eternal sleep of death. However,this eartly depression may not be how they feel when finally they assend to the spirit world and are free from the burden of illness and the body. Perhaps the analogy of the Captain who comes through the storm a broken man , only to be revived by the brighter dawn of a new day is worth taking seriously in this respect.For me , the very imperfect nature of this planet has weakned my desire to take part, but who knows, when I see the ‘full score’ I may feel differently.
If the earth is destroyed,where will we choose to reincarnate? Earth in another plane or timeline? If this is possible can we choose which time and universe we wish to be reincarnated in? I’m hoping never to come back to this planet, and never want my light to be contained/trapped in a physical body again. In a perfect place we would all be our true selves-light and energy. We don’t need bodies, they are only a hindrance.
Desires are what binds the soul to this existence. As long as one is attracted to this material world, as long as one desires the illusory material things offered by this world; sex, money, power, or a need to fulfill a desire or accomplish something left undone, the soul will return to pursue and complete those desires. The soul cannot move on as long as such desires continue following it through each incarnation. Thus, one must give up everything in this world, even the desire to live, if the soul is to move towards the oneness.
The story of the Buddha’s epic battle with Mara, the demon of desire, encapsulates this idea. Mara assaults Siddhartha with every desire possible. Using his demons, Mara tries terrifying Siddhartha with the fear of death and suffering, but the Buddha deflects and disarms these fears. Finally Mara brings forth his beautiful daughters, Taṇhā (Thirst), Arati (Aversion, Discontentment), and Rāga (Attachment, Desire, Greed, Passion), in the attempt to seduce Siddhartha, but Siddhartha puts his hand to the ground calling on the earth to witness that he no longer has any desires for its illusory material wealth. Seeing this, Mara disappears, freeing the Buddha from the reoccurring cycle of incarnation. It is said that Buddha’s last words were, “Now I shall never again enter another womb.”
Forgive. First, one must forgive. One must free themselves of all their attachments, the strongest of which are the base emotions; greed, anger, hatred lust and the other base, emotional states plaguing the soul in this existence. Therefore, one must forgive all those in their life that resulted in these emotions. Of course, the number one individual among all these that have given rise to the feeling of being wronged, is one’s own self. One must forgive themselves as they forgive all others in their life. Spend time each day reflecting on everyone you have known in your life. Try to remember each person and your encounters with them without making any judgment. Work on this. The more one works towards this goal, the more one remembers the events that led to where they are now. The more one remembers the more issues are resolved.
Give. Next one must give. One must willingly give of themselves as much as they are able to give. There are two, fundamental choices given to every soul upon entering this world. One choice must be made, one choice will be made. The default choice is to serve one’s self in pursuit of one’s desires for this material world. The other choice is to serve others, to help others achieve what they desire, while helping them understand those desires. The default choice to serve one’s self is the path taken by all but a very few. The second choice is a willful choice and far more difficult as it requires giving up one’s own desires in favor of helping others deal with their desires. This must be done humbly, with no expectation of reward or recognition. As the Sufis say, the only real gift is one given secretly. This will not be an easy choice. Yet, when one serves others, their own desires naturally fade. With time, one finds nothing remains of their desires.
Ask. The corporeal body is weak, its will is weak and its knowledge limited. Therefore, one must continually ask for guidance. Requests made in true sincerity will be answered, but beware, it may well be an answer you never expected or wanted to hear. However, the answer is always correct in both design and function, although one may not be able to perceive this until long after the event. Ask and there is no need to concern oneself about outcome or one’s welfare. Failure to listen and obey results in confusion and heartbreak. As Jesus said, “And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin.” This is what faith is about. One can believe anything, but faith is based on experience. When one goes to sleep at night, they do not concern themselves with the sun rising, for they have faith in the way the universal laws work. Think of what it might be like if one were to turn out the light at night believing this was not the case. That is the difference between belief and faith.
Submit. One must fully submit their will to the will of the design. One must work in tune with the design for any other approach will only result in fruitless effort and further problems. Among them will be a return to learn the ignored and failed lessons of this life.
I would wish you luck, but there is no such thing, there is only a lifetime of work. Make this one your last.
If I’m feeling like i don’t want to be here i have to catch the solution in my “dump” situation.
Anger sadness all those “bad” feelings but really the stuff that upsets us is because we aren’t seeing the situation thru the eyes of source/higher self.
Source doesn’t forgive BECAUSE source doesn’t blame.
Now play victim because you don’t wanna be here but know the lesson to bring you back to life is why you created the feeling in the first place.
If you realized you put the mountains there the whole time to remind you of the journey you’ve laid ahead, not to be better or do anything but to enjoy and live life. Laugh. Smile. Do things that make you feel good but not because of what you have to see in front of you but what you can feel around you.
Start living down stream. You don’t paddle upstream in a river. So turn your boat around and go with the flow I’d the River that you created!!!