A 42-year-old woman recently wrote to me complaining that every man she’s ever been involved with has cheated on her. She wanted to know what she did in her past lives to attract so many cheaters.
While her situation is probably partly karmic, in that she played the opposite role in several lifetimes, I don’t believe it’s only about past lives.
According to the article Facts and statistics About Infidelity, “The initial decision to be unfaithful is rarely ever a rational choice; instead infidelity is usually driven by circumstances and one’s emotions. In fact, most people are surprised by their own behavior at the start of an affair.”
If the people you become involved with always cheat on you, below are ten possible reasons why.
1) You try to turn a casual relationship into something that isn’t meant to be or that she doesn’t want.
2) You’re too focused on your relationship agenda and not paying attention to the clues around you, like his actions, his history, and the compatibility and chemistry (or lack of it).
3) You’re not acknowledging or respecting her nature, which is not conducive at all to strict, life-long monogamy. That’s like expecting a nun to enjoy a swinging lifestyle.
4) You’re not making the most of yourself.
5) You’re giving the person a reason not to stick around, such as possessiveness or neediness.
6) You’re going for people out of your league.
7) You tend to go for people who ooze sex appeal and danger, such as the bad boy/girl types, who usually aren’t the strictly monogamous types, at least for very long.
8) You need to be single for a while and you’re resisting it.
9) Deep down, you crave excitement, change, and variety regarding dating and, or sex partners. Consciously, however, you don’t think it’s acceptable, so you suppress it, and then attract people who act it out for you.
10) Your love life timing hasn’t been at all supportive of the long-term, monogamous relationship you’re seeking. Your timing, outlined by comprehensive numerology and astrology, is symbolic of your fate and love life circumstances.
You can’t cheat fate, so if you’re not making any of the mistakes above, you’ll have to be patient until your timing changes and is more conducive to what you want. Another option is to drop expectations for likely cheaters, go with the flow and not attempt to control dating or relationship situations too much.
Related articles:
Many Forms of Infidelity
A Stunning Peak Into The Future of Dating and Relationships
6 Tips For Couples to Avoid Getting Swept Away by Romantic Illusion
Cheating and 10 Type of Married People
Is He Cheating? 6 Questions to Ask Yourself
Copyright (C) 2013 Stephen Petullo
photo credit: GasBombGirl via photopin cc