Are Harry Potter spells demonic? A recent article in Daily Mail describes how three young exorcists, who traveled to the UK to battle evil, claim spells in the Harry Potter books invite possession from demonic energy and have corrupted the world.
“The spells you are reading about are not made up,” says Tess Scherkenback, one of the young exorcists. “They are real and come from witchcraft.”
I’ve never read any of the Harry Potter books, but if it’s true the author used real witchcraft spells in the book, these young exorcists may have a point.
Some witchcraft spells, provided they are only for the greater good of all involved, are probably harmless.
Conversely, other ancient spells not only carry forth all the negative energy attached to them from centuries of use, they may even tap into demonic energy.
Many spells also manipulate energy and people in a way that will cause the person casting the spell to incur negative karma. By all means, exercise your free will to achieve all you can within your fate, but attempting to control another person is never okay. For more information, see Black Magic and Karma: 3 Controversial Examples.
Before you ever do any spell casting, or even recite a spell, make sure to do your research so you know that you’re not opening a door that could potentially cause you many problems.
By the way, many religious leaders claim anything to do with the occult, such as astrology, numerology, meditation, and past life regression, can cause possession, but I’ve found no evidence of this in my 25+ years of esoteric research. I explain more in this article.
Are Harry Potter Spells Demonic? Even though they’re probably not, and I’m all for meditations and rituals that are positive and motivating, most witchcraft spells, in my opinion, are best left alone.
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Copyright (C) 2013 Stephen Petullo
photo credit: andy castro via photopin cc