Have you ever been involved with an emotional user? Perhaps you’ve flirted with one at work, dated one, or worse, lived with or married one.
They may use pity, flirting, flattery, or their sexual charm to get what they want. They’re selfish and occasionally they’re sociopaths.
Sometimes they just want control or attention.
What they don’t want is fairness or what’s best for you. You’re just a pawn in their game.
If you show more interest, they may back away. Hot and cold. Hot only when it’s convenient for them.
It’s a constant tug of war, and you’ll always lose with a person like this.
You can save yourself from this lose (you) / win (them) situation, but you’ll need to use your will power and self-discipline.
The most important thing you must do is end it within yourself. It’s best not to tell them your decision or why because they’ll probably just deny it. Confirm to yourself, repeatedly if necessary, that the dance is over and you are letting go. Cut the imaginary cords connecting you and this person with a huge axe of white Light, visually pull the fragments out of your spiritual body, then imagine the empty spaces being filled with white Light, cleansing and purifying you. Thoughts are things and this exercise will help you if you allow it to.
The more you are involved with the person, the more likely you’re going to have second thoughts in weaker moments. Instead of caving, detach from the situation, accept the person as they are and that it’s over, and remind yourself that you’re moving on. You may need to do this many times a day.
They’ll sense the change in you and may try harder and be nicer, then perhaps get angry if you don’t respond. If you hold your ground they’ll eventually give up and find someone else to use.
Copyright © 2011 Stephen Petullo