As a matchmaker, I became very aware that dating leagues do exist. The following characteristics tend to define which league someone belongs in:
1) Age
2) Money
3) Appearance, including looks, grooming and style of dress
4) Physical fitness, including height and weight
5) Personality, including charisma, sense of humor and confidence
6) Intelligence, wisdom, street smarts
If you excel in one or more of the above areas, you are in a higher league. Negative qualities, such as not being over an ex, having a criminal record, etc. will lower one’s standing.
Online dating can distort leagues. Since you cannot tell face-to-face chemistry online, and you don’t always know how accurate someone’s pictures or statistics are, someone who may seem above or below your league online may not be in-person.
If you feel you’re lacking in the looks department or haven’t yet made your fortune, remember that confidence, making the most of your appearance, and humor can go a LONG way. Challenge yourself and approach someone you may think is out of you league. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Have you approached or dated someone whom you thought was out of your league? What was the result?
Have you ever dated someone you at first thought may be below your league, who later surprised you? What was the result?
Copyright (c) 2010 Stephen Petullo
Photo credit
4 Responses
Excellent. Thanks so much for the post. -Kate
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