Fill in the blank: “My love life would be better if only __________.”
Many people complain about something that they perceive as keeping them from living a better love life; too short, tall, fat, bald, old, introverted, out of shape, shy, poor, or the wrong skin color, or in the wrong city or even body.
A common misperception is that if only _________, then more people would be interested, thus lead to a better love life. The reality is more dating options and attention usually results in more hassles and wasting time instead of a better love life. Pamela Anderson and other celebrities who get a lot of attention yet haven’t had wonderful love lives more often than not, are examples.
Almost everyone, even the most beautiful, gets rejected and has love life problems.
You don’t need everyone to be interested in you and you wouldn’t like it if they were. You only need one, a person with whom you share mutual chemistry and compatibility.
Also, fate has a lot to do with what happens in your love life; you meet the people you are destined to meet. But you must use your free will to make the most of yourself and your life to improve your chances of things unfolding in your favor.
Do what you can to change what you don’t like or what you think is keeping you from having a better love life, embrace or accept what you don’t like and can’t change, and focus on your beautiful qualities. Confidence and believing you are worthy are essential.
Copyright © 2017 Stephen Petullo