Do you ever find yourself dwelling on something that happened in the past, or someone you lost, and having a difficult time letting it go and moving on from the emotional wounds? Does it play like a broken record in your mind, seemingly out of your control?
Everyone has bad days and feels down or sad occasionally. This is a normal part of being human.
But if certain issues continue to haunt you in your mind, especially when you’re feeling down, they’ll cause additional emotional strife or worse until you heal them.
One way to deal with problems is to talk them out with a friend. Expressing your fears is helpful.
Another way, that unfortunately is very popular, is medication. One in six Americans are now on antidepressants or some other type of psychiatric drug. Many more self-medicate with other things. The linked article gives excellent diet and exercise tips at the end for overcoming depression or anxiety without drugs.
Medication can be helpful for some situations, but ignoring and covering up the root cause of a problem will only prolong it. You must address the hidden or spiritual side of an issue in order to heal it.
Here’s a spiritual, powerful, relatively simple, and magical way to heal emotional wounds. You can use it for any issue that bothers you including love, friendship, family, health, sex, money, and more.
Note: This spiritual exercise works best when you are feeling more emotional than usual, but any time is fine.
1) Think or write about the issue and your fears, regrets, and sadness associated with it.
2) Focus on the emotions that surface. Allow yourself to feel them and get angry or cry.
3) Express to your guides and, or your God why you are upset and with what you’d like help (whether it’s letting go, moving past it, or whatever else).
3) Read my free Spiritual Detox script when you are feeling the emotions associated with the issue.
Emotional chaos can create spiritual wounds in your aura or energy field, and they’ll cause you additional stress and pain until you heal them. Reading my free Spiritual Detox script will call in powerful spiritual helpers of the Light to fill and heal your emotional and spiritual wounds with Light and love.
If you follow the directions above, you should notice a difference in how you feel when you think about the issue. The script won’t magically erase it, but you should feel much stronger and find it easier to accept and detach from it. You may need to use the script periodically for best results.
Benevolent spiritual helpers are always available to assist you. My free Spiritual Detox script is a great way to call out to them, ask for help, and heal your spiritual self.
Copyright © 2017 Stephen Petullo