Occasionally I have visions or extra-sensory perceptions that I have come to believe over the years are the past lives of others and myself. Sometimes they occur spontaneously, and other times they’re the result of intentionally seeking answers through meditation or past life regression.
Recently I had a couple of these spontaneous visions related to politics.
Governor Mitt Romney: As I was reading an article that mentioned Mitt Romney and looked at his picture, I suddenly saw the face of Franklin Delano Roosevelt imposed over Mitt’s, which is symbolism to me that the soul who is now Mitt was FDR. At first I was surprised. The logical part of my mind said their policies are too different; FDR was a democrat and Governor Romney leans right on the political spectrum. But then I realized their policies aren’t all that different.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: A week later I was reading an article about Marie Antoinette and how on that day, Oct. 16th, back in 1793, she was put to death by the guillotine. Suddenly I saw the name Hillary Clinton over Marie Antoinette’s name and instantly “knew” the soul that was Marie is now Hillary. This soul’s experience and lessons learned as Marie have greatly contributed to Hillary’s views.
Note: I realize that Marie Antoinette had a bad reputation (some historians say it was unearned and she was a political target), but please don’t interpret this vision as any kind of slight against Hillary Clinton. Whether Marie deserved her reputation or not, we’ve all had lifetimes when we were “good” and “bad.” What matters most is that we all do the “right” thing in every situation in this life.
Coincidentally, until my brother Scott had reminded me after reading this post, I had forgotten that a couple years ago he had a vision of Bill Clinton as French Royalty, so Bill and Hillary probably knew each other there too. He also happened to see Governor Romney as a Native American tribal leader.
President Barack Obama: I haven’t seen any significant past life visions about President Obama, but I do have a strong feeling he was a Prince in Persia or India.
By the way, it’s not true about skeptics of reincarnation saying that too many people have seen themselves as a famous past life figure, so that must mean that no one reincarnates. Most people who think they were someone famous in a past life have not explored the possibility in past life regression, or may just be identifying with the characteristics of that person or tapping into the universal energy of the famous person’s past life. After perceiving and regressing people to perceive 1000s of past lives, I’ve found that only a very small percentage of those have been famous, and people who are famous and powerful now often were the same in past lives. Your present life is a reflection and continuation of your past lives in many ways.
Copyright © 2012 Stephen Petullo
photo credit: DonkeyHotey via photopin cc