In his weekday Mass homily on April 5, Pope Francis stated that salvation cannot be found in tarot cards or fortune tellers, only in Jesus.
According to a L’Osservatore Romano summary of the Pope’s homily:
At times, “whenever there are problems,” he noted, “people do not commend themselves to Jesus, but to others,” even turning to self-styled “magicians” [rendered “fortune tellers” by Vatican Radio], “that they may resolve matters”; or people “go to consult tarot cards,” to find out and understand what they should do. Yet it is not by resorting to magicians or to tarot that salvation is found: it is “in the name of Jesus. And we should bear witness to this! He is the one Savior.”
It’s unfortunate that Pope Francis thinks that his way is the only way to enlightenment. While I don’t suggest turning your power over to fortune tellers or magicians, I do believe that tarot, astrology (accepted as valid by select high priests in the Vatican in its earlier history, such as during the Middle Ages) numerology and other metaphysical tools are compatible with religion and can be a wonderful path to enlightenment.
Copyright © 2013 Stephen Petullo
photo credit: Christus Vincit via photopin cc