Hi Stephen, I recently ended a relationship with a man who I realized, too late, is a sociopath. He is charming and funny but he feels no guilt when he does bad things and he did plenty of them behind my back when we were together. Are sociopaths young souls? Thanks, Carrie
Hi Carrie,
According to Martha Stout, PhD, author of The Sociopath Next Door, about one in 25 individuals is a sociopath, and sociopathic traits encompass the following: very charming; no conscience; don’t feel guilty when caught but instead feel bad for themselves; unable to feel empathy; don’t take responsibility for their actions; deny and believe their own lies when confronted; think people are naive for doing the right thing; see their friends, family, and partners as possessions, there to serve them; can instantly spot an honest, trusting, yet vulnerable person and will prey upon them; and appeal for your sympathy.
A young soul is often considered as one who has not had many lifetimes, and lacks awareness to behave in a mature and wise manner, even when no one is looking, as a more experienced soul would.
However, souls who have lived fewer lifetimes can be just as wise, old souls can act less than maturely too, and sometimes old souls have needed many more lifetimes to learn their lessons, or even regressed backwards due to negative actions.
In her book Between Death and Life, Dolores Cannon mentions that sociopaths operate on the fourth of the ten levels of spiritual advancement. Level five is the Earth plane, and some advanced incarnated souls operate on level six. Levels seven and above are part of the “other side,” where souls usually go after the death of their physical bodies before incarnating again.
Generally, it seems young souls are more likely to be sociopaths, but it probably depends on a lot of things. As you discovered, it’s usually best, if possible, to cut your losses and avoid sociopaths.
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