Scroll down for the subliminal suggestions for the following titles:
Forgive and Let Go
Sleep Deeply
Prepare For a Great Relationship
Enhance Love Life and Friendships
Incredible S.e.x.
Success and Abundance
Be More Intuitive and Psychic Dreaming
Sense of Humor/Confidence/Relax
Improve Appearance and Become Sexier
Shed the Weight and Keep it Off for Good/ Motivated to Exercise
Make Your Relationship Even Better
Dealing With a Difficult Person
Cooperative Kids
Stop Smoking Forever
Letting Go of Drugs
Avoiding Alcohol
Forgive and Let Go subliminal suggestions:
You forgive everyone and everyone forgives you.
You forgive your colleagues for their errors of judgment.
You forgive your family.
You forgive your friends.
You forgive your manager.
You forgive your mate for mistakes.
You forgive your parents for their mistakes.
You forgive yourself for your mistakes.
You forgive yourself.
You forgive other people’s mistakes.
You forgive other people’s weaknesses.
You forgive others.
You forgive.
You release all anger.
You release and let go of addictions to people and things that keep you from your highest purpose.
You release and let go of any beliefs that keep you from fully loving and forgiving yourself and others.
You release anger.
You release anxiety.
You release any beliefs or obstacles to success.
You release doubt.
You release guilt.
You release stress.
You are totally responsible for your life, and no longer blame others.
You are in charge of your feelings.
You no longer choose to carry the heavy burden of the past with you.
You love your source of power.
You release everyone and everyone releases you.
You see the whole picture.
You are open to insights from your higher self.
You make wise choices.
You see clearly.
You are accepted.
You are accepting.
You let go of judgment.
You breathe deeply and relax.
You express your feelings easily.
Sleep Deeply subliminal suggestions:
You let go of stress before bed and fall asleep easily.
Energy surges through you when you need it.
You go to sleep quickly and easily and you sleep through the night.
You fall asleep easily and wake up energized.
You have more than enough energy to do everything you need to do throughout the day.
Sleep is effortless for you and it restores your energy.
You sleep deeply and peacefully, knowing that you’re always protected.
You sleep only as much as you need and wake up on time and excited to start the day.
You solve problems through you dreams.
You recall with ease the important messages of your dreams.
You recharge your body with sleep in less time.
Your sleep is sound, peaceful and restful.
You sleep deeply and peacefully, knowing that you’re always protected.
You’re finding new ways to sleep deeply and wake up feeling even better.
You recall with ease the important messages of your dreams.
You sleep deeply and wake up on time and excited to start the day.
Prepare For a Great Relationship subliminal suggestions:
I am becoming ready for a compatible relationship.
I am now choosing to learn and grow through joy.
Every day my discipline is increasing.
I am preparing myself, on all levels, for a loving and compatible relationship.
I have time for the right person.
I am becoming aware of and dissolving any relationship blocks.
I am in the right place at the right time to meet compatible love relationship possibilities.
When I see someone I want to meet, I relax, make eye contact, smile, and talk casually.
I easily dismiss rejection and let it go.
I am flexible in love matters.
I have the self-discipline to listen to this recording every day.
My heart now opens to accept love.
I am discerning in love matters.
I am now letting go of the past and anyone who ever hurt me.
I accept the past is over.
I am letting go of any exes.
I now forgive myself and everyone else.
I am now ready to love another unconditionally.
I take action to meet the people I want to meet.
I am drawn towards those who are compatible, and I avoid those who are not.
I am friendly and people are drawn to me.
I am self-confident and self-assured.
Each day I improve what I can and accept what I can’t change.
I love and accept myself.
I now accept love.
I am learning to enjoy being single.
I am finding the hidden joys of being single.
Enhance Love Life and Friendships subliminal suggestions:
You accept love into your life now.
You accept yourself and others.
You are a nice person.
You are a responsible person.
You are a good person and friend.
You’re loyal, dependable and trustworthy.
You are a lovable human being.
You are forgiven.
You are forgiving yourself and others.
You are free of fear and guilt.
You are free of shame.
You deserve to be treated well.
Intimacy is rewarding.
It is easy to have good relationships.
Lots of people care about you.
The right relationships and friendships come to you.
You automatically avoid people who aren’t good for you.
You deserve a loving and compatible relationship.
You make quality time to spend with your partner or friends.
You accept your partner or friends unconditionally as they are.
You give unconditional love to your partner or friends.
You are becoming aware of and dissolving any blocks within yourself that are interfering with the loving relationship you deserve.
You are now choosing to learn and grow through joy instead of sorrow and struggle.
Whenever you find yourself becoming angry, you stop, take a deep breath, and calmly discuss the situation.
You discuss your needs, are open to others’ needs, and create solutions together.
You tune into and listen to your partner or friends and what is being communicated verbally and non-verbally.
You stop blaming your partner or friends and start taking responsibility for yourself and your situations.
You are now letting go of the past and releasing anyone who ever hurt you.
You now forgive yourself and everyone else.
You are now ready to love your partner or friends unconditionally.
You avoid judging your partner or friends and accept them as they are.
You now drop your expectations of your partner or friends and love them for who they are.
You now love and support your lover or friends in every way you can.
You appreciate your partner’s or friends opinions, even if you don’t agree.
You love and accept yourself.
You are becoming aware of any hidden reasons for avoiding a compatible relationship.
Every day your discipline is increasing so that you can prepare yourself on all levels for a loving and compatible relationship.
You now realize there is plenty of time and room in your life for the right person.
You are becoming aware of and dissolving any blocks between yourself and a loving and compatible relationship.
If single, your subconscious mind is assisting you in being in the right place at the right time to meet compatible love relationship possibilities.
Your heart now opens to accept the love you deserve.
You are now letting go of the past and anyone who ever hurt you.
You now forgive yourself and everyone else.
You are now ready to love another unconditionally.
If single, you take action to meet the people you want to meet.
You are drawn to those who are compatible, and avoid those who are not.
You are friendly and people are drawn to you.
You are self-confident and self-assured.
Each day you improve what you can and accept what you can’t change.
You love and accept yourself.
You now accept the love you deserve.
Incredible S.e.x. subliminal suggestions:
You are passionate about continuously expanding your sexual knowledge.
The infinite universe of sexual pleasure is yours to explore.
You have the ability to become a superior lover.
When you feel your body, you can relax fully into your sexual pleasure and presence.
It is such a turn-on to explore what brings your partner the greatest pleasures.
You are always inspired to become a more sexually educated person.
Sex is an exciting unlimited territory waiting for you to discover it.
You choose to focus on sexual pleasure rather than the sex act.
You trust your unique spontaneity and juicy creativity as a lover.
You love your body and all the ways it brings you and your partner pleasure.
You enjoy sex the most when you relax and connect with your whole body.
You let go of your having-to-perform mindset and go for what feels really good.
You focus on what works and what is the greatest pleasure possible in the moment.
You are confident you can bring out the best in yourself and your partner.
You let go of comparisons and focus on being fully present with the pleasure in your body.
You let go of expectations and enjoy the moment.
You enjoy the blissful feeling of letting go.
You easily have more control when you stay present in your body.
Exploring a partner’s pleasure is one of your greatest pleasures.
You can slow down and fully savor every delicious moment of sexual pleasure.
With full body awareness, you have complete control and come when you choose.
You are willing to let go of your past experiences in sex and discover the joy of being a confident and sexual person.
It’s OK to express your feelings, even if it’s a new behavior for you.
You trust you can choose to create a fulfilling sexual life.
You love to share what turns you on with your partner.
You enjoy hearing and feeling and experimenting with what your partner wants.
It is natural for you to share feelings and talk about sex.
You let go of having to perform and simply enjoy the pleasure of being with your partner.
You learn a lot from supportive discussion and feedback.
You let go of an outcome in sex and focus on pleasure.
You let go of what you think sex should be and simply enjoy.
You honor and respect yourself as you feel and connect to your body.
You savor every exquisite moment of sexual exploration.
Sex can be the deepest sexual loving union, a total ecstatic orgasmic timeless blissful experience.
You open to the flow with your partner in sex.
You take responsibility for your sexual arousal.
Sexual pleasure is your birthright and you are ready to go for it.
You reframe sex as a healing, nurturing, natural act.
Your sexual feelings are natural and life-affirming.
You are responsible for your own orgasm.
You can enjoy your sexual feelings whenever they arise without expecting your partner to do something.
Sex is life-giving, life-affirming, rejuvenating and ecstatic.
Sex is creation’s special gift to you.
When you let go you start to feel the pleasure of your body.
You can feel more and enjoy more sexual pleasure when you let go.
Your vulnerability is your sacred gift and part of your power.
You let go of past experiences and reside in the moment.
You can relax and open yourself up to the gift of receiving pleasure.
As you let go of the past; breath, relax and open; breath, relax and open; breath, relax and open.
You love and treat your body with honor and respect.
The more you feel and accept yourself, the more attractive and desirable you are.
Your body is a perfect pleasure temple.
Every part of your body temple is sacred and divine.
You love to explore how sexually aroused and turned on you can become.
You feel the power of your sexual radiance.
You fully appreciate yourself as a person.
You let go of your fears and allow your sexual attractiveness and energy to flow.
You are responsible for your orgasm, and your partner can support you.
Your partner appreciates your guidance — sexy, creative, sensitive and caring at the appropriate time.
You are responsible for your sexual experiences.
You can communicate what works for you sexually through sounds and body language.
When you talk about sex, it is enlightening, educational, arousing and you can learn a lot.
Your partner appreciates you letting them know what you like.
You always learn a lot when you talk about sex.
There’s no time to settle for less, you’re honest and direct with what you need to communicate.
You love learning more about your body and sexual anatomy.
Your body is built for multiple orgasms.
It’s up to you to say yes to sexual pleasure.
Sex is a healing, nurturing act and important to your well-being and health.
Your sexual arousal is a divine gift.
Your sexual feelings are natural and healthy.
You have infinite capacity for sexual pleasure and you’re ready to go for it.
The more you feel your full sexual pleasure and arousal the deeper and more intimate sex can be.
Success and Abundance subliminal suggestions:
You are lucky.
Your life is full of lavish, constant reliable abundance.
Abundance and prosperity flow to you now.
You are becoming more successful.
You enjoy making money.
You are always improving.
You are comfortable having money.
You are confident in your ability to succeed.
You like creating wealth.
You are doing what needs to be done to be successful.
You are efficient and enthusiastic.
You are enthused about your goals.
You want to succeed.
You are self-assured.
You are succeeding.
You are successful in making money.
You are valuable to the world.
You attract abundance.
You believe in your products and services.
You are blessed beyond your wildest dreams.
You can visualize success.
You choose happiness.
You choose the best pathway for the best outcome.
You choose wisely.
You create success.
You create the income you desire.
You deserve prosperity.
You deserve success.
You deserve the best.
You win against the odds.
Your blessings are unlimited.
Money is your friend.
You act wisely so victory is yours.
You are productive and prosperous.
You are happy being successful and wealthy.
You are increasingly successful.
You are motivated to do what you need to do to create and attract abundance.
You are good at creating wealth.
You see yourself successfully achieving your life goals and your heart’s desires.
You see solutions and visualize success.
Your goals are clear and you can achieve them.
You have a positive expectancy of winning big, and you work through obstacles easily.
You enjoy talking calculated risks to improve your life.
You are grateful for all the good things in your life.
You are grateful you are reaching your goals and dreams so easily.
You are lucky.
Be More Intuitive and Psychic Dreaming subliminal suggestions:
I am remembering my dreams.
I am getting better at remembering my dreams.
I am writing down my dreams when I wake up.
I enjoy remembering my dreams I am remembering details from my dreams.
I am understanding my dreams.
I am becoming more intuitive every day.
I am accepting my intuition.
I am developing my intuitive ability.
I am disciplined to meditate every day.
I love to meditate.
Meditation is very calming for me.
Meditation is very centering for me.
Meditation is very rewarding for me.
I am focusing very intently in meditation.
I am trusting my intuition.
I am listening to my intuition.
I am reading people very well.
I feel energy from other people.
Answers just come to me.
I see answers.
I hear answers.
I am open to receiving answers.
I am protected by White Light at all times.
Sense of Humor/Confidence/Relax subliminal suggestions:
You are at peace with yourself.
You are at peace with the world.
You are at peace.
You are peaceful and relaxed.
You are patient.
You can relax easily.
You breathe slowly and deeply.
You find it easy to relax.
You are relaxed and self-assured.
You can make people laugh and relax.
You find humor in life.
You find humor in everything.
You enjoy laughing.
You are happy, humorous, and fun to be with.
You are loved.
You like yourself.
You like smiling.
You are attractive and charming.
You are compassionate with yourself and with others.
You are completely at ease in groups.
You are completely at ease around all people.
You are calm and relaxed.
You are centered and focused.
You exude confidence.
You exude sincerity and confidence.
You feel good about yourself.
You feel young and powerful.
You love life.
You love yourself and love unconditionally.
You radiate warmth and friendship.
Incredible self-confidence is yours.
You are confident.
You sparkle with vitality
You speak well and with confidence.
Your opinions are worthwhile.
Your reactions are getting better.
You can easily make people laugh and relax.
You find humor in life.
You find humor in everything.
You enjoy laughing.
Improve Appearance and Become Sexier subliminal suggestions:
Everything is getting better for you.
Life is getting better each and every day.
Life is exciting.
Life is fantastic.
Life is fun.
Life is great.
Life is wonderful.
You are happy and relaxed and it shows.
You accept and deserve perfect health.
Unlimited good health is yours.
You love your body and treat it with total respect.
Your body and mind are calm and relaxed.
Your body feels comfortable.
Your body is strong and beautiful.
Your body is perfect, powerful and efficient.
Your body regenerates itself and builds perfectly.
You are happy and relaxed and it shows.
You remain balanced and centered.
You are confident and self-assured.
You respect your body and yourself.
You eat the foods that work for your body and avoid those that don’t.
You have the self-discipline to exercise and do what you need to do to look and feel your best.
You love yourself and strive to look and be your best every day.
You accept that it’s okay for you to look good.
You deserve to look good.Your skin is supple and vibrant.
Your skin is young looking, clear and healthy.
You are finding new ways to look younger, healthier and sexier.
It’s okay for you to look and feel sexy.
You deserve to look and feel sexy.
You’re finding new ways to look, feel, and be sexy.
You radiate youth, confidence, and sex appeal.
You are happy and relaxed and it shows.
Shed the Weight and Keep it Off for Good/ Motivated to Exercise subliminal suggestions:
It’s becoming easier for me to eat healthy foods.
I am discovering the joy of eating healthy foods.
I eat slowly and chew all of my food well.
I am finding healthy, yet delicious food substitutes.
I am learning to love exercising.
I have the discipline to exercise at least 4 days per week.
I can shed the excess weight.
I am shedding the excess weight.
I am becoming slimmer every day.
Healthy food can be delicious.
I have the willpower to shed the weight and exercise.
I have the discipline to succeed.
I deserve to succeed.
I am enjoying shedding the excess weight.
I am taking care of myself.
I am staying on my healthy meal plan.
I am finding the joys of my new healthy lifestyle.
I love eating healthy food.
I am motivated to exercise.
I love exercising.
Exercising is fun.
I look forward to exercising.
I am getting more fit every day.
It is easy for me to exercise
Make Your Relationship Even Better subliminal suggestions:
I deserve a loving and compatible relationship.
I make quality time to spend with my partner.
I accept my partner unconditionally as they are.
I give unconditional love to my partner.
I am letting go of any blocks.
I am now choosing to learn and grow through joy.
In discussions, I relax, breath deeply, and calmly discuss the situation.
I discuss my needs calmly.
I’m open to my partner’s needs.
We create solutions together.
I tune into and listen to my partner.
I take responsibility for myself and my situation.
I have the self-discipline to listen to this recording every day.
I am now letting go of the past and releasing anyone who ever hurt me.
I am forgiving myself and everyone else.
I am loving my partner unconditionally.
I accept my partner as they are.
I express love and compassion to my lover in creative ways.
I love my partner for who they are.
I love and support my lover in every way I can.
I love and accept myself.
Dealing With a Difficult Person subliminal suggestions:
I am accepting others as they are.
I am letting go of expectations.
I am acting adult-like in all situations.
I am expressing myself with confidence and compassion.
I am remaining calm and mature.
I am retaining my dignity.
I am remaining positive.
I am reacting with compassion and calmness.
I think before I speak.
I am confident and compassionate.
I see others’ viewpoints.
I am becoming excellent at negotiating with others.
I learn a great deal from difficult people.
I am grateful for this opportunity for growth.
I accept that everyone has an opinion.
I detach and accept everything as it is.
Cooperative Kids subliminal suggestions:
I am a good kid.
I am listening to my parents.
I am respecting my parents.
I am doing as I’m told.
I enjoy getting my homework done.
I enjoy finishing my chores.
I like obeying adults.
I always obey.
I do as I’m told.
There are good reasons to be good.
I like cooperating
I only need to be told once.
I like being polite.
I get all my work done, then I play.
I love to obey my parents.
I’m a good person.
I listen carefully.
My parents love me.
I’m always nice.
My parents know best.
I only need to be told once.
I like following the rules.
Following the rules is easier.
I always follow the rules.
I agree to behave.
My parents know better than I do.
I respect my parents.
Stop Smoking Forever subliminal suggestions:
It’s easier for me to quit smoking now.
I am finding it easier to relax.
I am choosing to be healthier.
I love feeling healthy.
I have the will power to avoid smoking.
I am becoming a non-smoker.
I am stopping smoking.
I am respecting my body.
I am in control of my body and mind.
I am breathing deeply, which relaxes me.
My will power is becoming stronger every day.
I am becoming more and more disciplined every day.
I love having clean lungs.
Smoke is tasting terrible to me now.
Smoke is smelling terrible to me now.
I easily block any urge to smoke.
Letting Go of Drugs subliminal suggestions:
It’s easier for me to quit drugs now.
My life is important.
I have a lot to share with the world.
I love being clean and sober.
I am choosing to stay clean and sober.
I am strong and can do it.
I have great will power.
Staying clean and sober is important.
I have a lot to live for.
I am valuing my life.
I am discovering the joys of being clean and sober.
I am finding it easier to relax.
I am choosing to be healthier.
I love feeling healthy.
I have the will power to avoid drugs.
I am avoiding drugs.
I am stopping drugs.
I am respecting my body.
I am in control of my body and mind.
I am breathing deeply, which relaxes me.
My will power is becoming stronger every day.
I am becoming more and more disciplined every day.
I love having a clean body and mind.
I am letting go of any negative energy that isn’t of my body.
I am releasing any energy that isn’t of my body.
I am feeling my strength within.
I am feeling more in control of my life.
I am facing all situations calmly.
I am learning to relax naturally.
My confidence and self-respect are expanding every day.
I am becoming happier.
I have a very strong determination to be free of drugs.
I am choosing to be free of drugs.
I can do it.
I am proud of myself for doing the right thing for me.
It’s becoming easier for me to handle stress.
I am handing stress well.
Avoiding Alcohol subliminal suggestions:
It’s easier for me to stay sober now.
My life is important.
I have a lot to share with the world.
I love being sober.
I am choosing to stay sober.
I am strong and can do it.
I have great will power.
Staying sober is important to me and I can do it.
I have a lot to live for.
I am valuing my life.
I am discovering the joys of being sober.
I am finding it easier to relax.
I am choosing to be healthier.
I love feeling healthy.
I have the will power to avoid drugs.
I am avoiding alcohol.
I am stopping alcohol.
I am respecting my body.
I am in control of my body and mind.
I am breathing deeply, which relaxes me.
My will power is becoming stronger every day.
I am becoming more and more disciplined every day.
I love having a sober body and mind.
I am releasing any negative energy that is not of my body.
I am letting go of any negative energy that isn’t of my body.
I am feeling my strength within.
I am feeling more in control of my life.
I am facing all situations calmly.
I am learning to relax naturally.
My confidence and self-respect are expanding every day.
I am becoming happier.
I have a very strong determination to be free of alcohol.
I am choosing to be free of alcohol.
I can do it.
I am proud of myself for doing the right thing for me.
It’s becoming easier for me to handle stress.
I am handing stress well.