An intuitive reading question I receive often is how to tell what someone, usually a love interest, is thinking. Here’s an example:
“I was wondering if this certain person by the name of Christi has a secret crush on me. She’s about 5ft3 slim built and has long black hair and a lighter skin tone than me. Plus if you can tell me if I have psychic abilities too..I kind of experience strange things in life which I can not explain. I’m hoping if you can clear things up for me. Thanks. Paulo”
Here’s my response:
Sorry, I don’t do those types of readings because it’s not anyone’s right to pry into someone’s mind to discover what they are thinking. It’s an intrusion of privacy.
If you want to know what someone thinks about you, talk to her. You should be able to sense how she feels about you. If you think it’s positive, ask her out. Don’t be afraid to take a risk and appear vulnerable. She might find that attractive. If she doesn’t feel the same, you’ll realize that and be free for someone who is more compatible.
Your second question is related to your first.
Everyone is psychic to some degree, yet some people have more talent than others. You have the option of developing it through the discipline of daily meditation.
As you become more psychic, you must use your ability responsibly. If you abuse your ability and pry into people’s minds or manipulate them, for example, you will create very negative karma for yourself.
However, you can use your psychic ability constructively and request information about how someone feels about you. Send a psychic message by meditating, focusing on her, surrounding both of you with white light, then asking her, in your mind, to somehow make it more clear to you how she feels about you. Also ask for insight from God, your guides of the Light, or whomever you pray to, about whether it is in your best interest to pursue the connection, and why or why not.
Now that you are aware that psychic prying is a no-no, you can tell what someone is thinking simply by sensing or asking, either verbally or psychically.
Copyright © 2014 Stephen Petullo