Why does sexual attraction fade? Scientists give neurological reasons. Psychologists give behavioral and personality reasons. But what about the spiritual reason sexual attraction fades?
Based on many years of empirical research, I believe the soul and its history of past lives precede and greatly influence personality traits and current life circumstances.
Likewise, a genuine sexual attraction (or lack of) between two people, which is based on their energy and spiritual connection (and can go back lifetimes), contributes to sexual attraction more so than superficial things such as appearance, technique, and personality.
The spiritual reason sexual attraction fades:
In the beginning of a relationship, everything is new and fresh. Romantic illusion and hormones fuel the attraction.
Then, when they begin to see each other as they really are, and the union as it really is, unless they share an energy connection that is conducive to physical attraction and good sex, their attraction to each other will fade. That’s one reason why I don’t recommend marriage or otherwise trying to make things permanent within the first few years of a relationship.
What do you do if there isn’t a good sexual connection?
First of all, don’t blame each other. The energetic connection that is necessary for long-term attraction and sexual satisfaction is either there or it’s not, and it’s nobody’s fault if it isn’t.
If you’re settled in to an otherwise happy relationship and both of you want to remain together, techniques to “reignite the spark,” self-improvement, eating more healthily, exercising more, getting your hormones checked, and more can help.
For some couples, responsible non-monogamy with rules can work if both agree to and are comfortable with it.
Mutually satisfying sex is an important part of a healthy relationship. If it’s a new dating situation or relationship, and you’re certain a good sexual connection isn’t there, it’s probably best to move on unless sex isn’t important to you.
Copyright © 2015 Stephen Petullo