One thing is magic for work, family, friend, neighbor, and love relationships, but it’s easy to resist.
Sometimes we resist because we think doing so will protect us, or it doesn’t seem necessary.
But when we don’t do it, all the ways we were wronged by life, and other people, simmer below the surface.
So does guilt, about big and little things.
Eventually they add up.
What is the one thing that’s magic for all types of relationships?
Some people may not deserve your forgiveness, but remember, it’s for you, not them. You don’t even need to tell them.
Sometimes we don’t realize we feel resentment or guilt, but it’s rotting there in our subconscious minds.
Forgiving and letting go can also decrease anxiety and depression, and create more happiness and opportunities.
I created an easy way to get your subconscious mind to finally forgive and let go of all the things it’s still clinging to: Stephen’s Soundless Subliminal Forgive and Let Go audio.
Would you like to try it, free?
See two testimonials below for the audio that show how forgiveness acts as a magic salve to soothe all kinds of relationships, and creates more harmony!
It’s easy to use; all you do is play it in the background while doing other things.
I’m looking for people to give me feedback about the audio for a book I’m writing. You may remain anonymous if you’d like.
Please only accept this free audio if you will give feedback about it.
You can download it here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/prps8y6f5e
Do you know anyone who is experiencing conflict with any type of relationship? Or, do you know anyone who wants to feel more peace and love in their life? Please forward this email to them.
Testimonials for the Forgive and Let Go soundless Subliminal audio:
“They say he is the most improved student.”
“I have been running the Forgive and Let Go Soundless Subliminal™ in my loft (where my 13 yr old spends most of his time). He has done a complete 180 in school. The teachers asked what I was doing differently and I told them, ‘subliminal audios’ (Stephen’s Soundless Subliminals™) and they all laughed. (They don’t believe me) They say he is the most improved student. I used that particular subliminal because he always acts angry. I believe that love and forgiveness heals all.”—L.P. Boulder, CO USA
“It is pretty amazing how productivity has improved for my team…”
“Hi Stephen, I have to say I play daily the Forgive and Let Go Soundless Subliminal at the office, and a lot of the conflicts among my colleagues have been worked out (they are very surprised how well these past few weeks went for all of them!!!). I receive a lot of visits from people in my office that just want to feel a “peaceful environment.” Three people already have described my office that way, but a lot of others keep coming just to relax.
It is pretty amazing how productivity has improved for my team, around a 20% (I’m an engineer we measure a lot of things). We all used to be working until late, but since this week that has been the third week of constantly playing the subliminal message, we all finish our projects on time and leave the office with enough time left over to get together after work and share some friendly time. Important to tell you: no one knows, except for a friend, that they are constantly listening to the Forgive and Let Go subliminal messages.
I did not write anything before because It was not time; I had not played the subliminal message for enough time then. Thanks, you really changed a work environment in a time of crisis, where most people are stressed out. We all have a great time now and there is almost no fighting amongst our selves or with other people. We now have many more agreements and good negotiations and I’m pretty sure the recording has a lot to do with it.
If any of this feedback is useful to you, feel free to share it. I think you guys really holistically makeover not only people but the world around them. Thanks.”—Monica B., Mexico
More information about Stephen’s Soundless Subliminals https://stephenpetullo.com/stephens-soundless-subliminals/