While reading a few news stories about Whitney Houston’s death, I noticed some reader comments about what will happen to her in the afterlife. Several of the comments were very judgmental and condemned her from the viewpoint of organized religion, seemingly from those who blindly embrace radical theology. My view of the situation that I share below is based on my extensive experience with reincarnation and between lives research.
Some claim she will go to hell for her drug abuse. I didn’t know Whitney or if she was still abusing drugs, but in my educated opinion, hell isn’t an option for addicts or anyone else because I’ve found zero evidence that it exists.
Instead, addicts may unknowingly choose to remain earthbound after death, in a state of limbo, and some continue getting their fix through incarnated addicts (see my Spiritual Detox page for more information: http://www.holisticmakeover.com/SpiritualDetox.htm). This problem is more common than people realize and makes kicking addictions even more challenging.
Yes, there may be lower energy planes to which very troubled and problematic souls are drawn after death. I don’t sense Whitney went that route, but that she will make it to the other-side just fine, if she hasn’t already. Souls are usually met after death by loved ones who have gone before them and, or guides from the other side.
There is no judging God who will punish you for perceived wrong deeds, but everyone has lessons on Earth to work through and you (your soul, not your personality) will assess your progress with guides after your body dies. Whitney obviously had some addiction issues this time. Based on my research, it’s likely she will have to somehow make up for the damage she did to herself on many levels through her years of drug use, and overcome addiction issues in a future life.
I asked my brother Scott, who works with cyclical timing methods (comprehensive astrology and numerology) in his systems of analysis and he said this: “Reviewing her natal and timing charts, the collective energy speaks of easy (relative to other aspiring performers), early-life fame and recognition, then a fall from grace, substance abuse and, or alcohol abuse problems. I don’t have a decent sample of her handwriting, but if I did, her over-indulgence issues would probably be clear in the script.”
“Big trouble (e.g., addictions solidifying, the beginning of the end for her) in her life started in the early 1990s, 2004 was a major transition toward her demise, and then 2010, into 2011 spoke of a time when there was no turning back for her. She was at heaven’s gate for some time prior to her final demise, but it was her accident-prone timing window of the first half of 2012, along with the now common reckless behavior that was fated to finally take her.”
Based on Scott’s interpretation of her charts and my perception of what happened, it seems to me that she was destined to experience something like she did. Perhaps she (her soul, not her personality) volunteered before incarnating to be a public example.
We are all fortunate to have experienced her great singing talent, which, by the way, wasn’t a “gift” but a skill that had been earned–developed over many lives. Her death at the young age of 48 may seem like she left too soon, but I sense this was her destined time of departure and she has moved on to her next chapter.
Copyright © 2012 Stephen Petullo
Photo by David Corio, Getty Images