Recently I had a session with a well known medium and was shocked. For many years I’ve had reoccurring nightmares of war, specifically from the perspective of a sniper, killing other people. The psychic told me that she saw a lifetime fighting in the Vietnam war. The details she gave fit well with the nightmares, but I’m a young woman and I’m totally anti-war! I’m now racked with guilt and literally vomiting because of this! I’m very confused. Please help. Kayla
I don’t blame you for being confused. You wouldn’t hurt a fly now, but you saw your past life self gunning down people in a war.
You are against war now because of your actions in that past life.
This is similar to how some people fight against poverty, racism, abortion, homophobia, religion, or government; I’ve found that the more energy they put into the fight, the more likely it is that they might have been one of those people they detest now in a past life.
It’s important to realize that everyone has had lifetimes where they were “good” and “bad.” Also, you were fighting for your country, so it’s not like you set out to purposely kill innocent people. You were obligated to take part in a sanctioned battle and that’s what happens in those situations. Strife between people and nations has always existed, and it always will exist in this dimension.
That lifetime was necessary for you for your spiritual growth. You served your country, and believe it or not, incurred positive karma in doing so.
When you feel guilty about that lifetime stop and let it go. Remind yourself that you are not that person now and be grateful that you are experiencing a more peaceful life this time, which you can make more or less peaceful with your free will.
If you need more help forgiving yourself, try my Forgive and Let Go Subliminal MP3 here:
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