Sasha Grey, a former adult film actress, participates in “Read Across America,” reading children’s books to groups of elementary school students. Recently a school where she read received complaints for allowing Grey to be around the children.
Grey, who has refused to quit the program, released the following statement: “I am an actor. I am an artist. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a partner. I have a past that some people may not agree with, but it does not define who I am. I believe in the future of our children, and I will remain an active supporter and participant in education-focused initiatives.”
Apparently, some people think that having sex on film is a contagious disease. Exactly how is Ms. Grey going to corrupt the kids by reading to them? It’s not like she’s teaching them sexual techniques or how to get into porn. What about teachers who are gold diggers, divorcees, bartenders, former strippers, or who have had more than one sexual partner? Should only nuns be allowed to be around children in schools?
Sean Loftis, a Florida substitute teacher who starred in gay porn films, recently lost his teaching job. After his employers learned of his past, they claimed he had violated a regulation requiring faculty members to act in a manner “that will reflect credit upon themselves.”
Perhaps he did violate his contract, but this issue still remains: Sex outside of marriage is still seen by many to be wrong. Mr. Loftis didn’t do anything illegal. He had sex with other consenting adults. But since sex, particularly porn, and especially gay porn in America is still perceived to be “dirty” and “bad,” it resulted in him being fired. Sorry, but I fail to see how teen students knowing about his porn past will damage them in any way.
It’s time for America to grow up when it comes to their attitudes about sex.
Unwarranted sexual shame is common. Even a small amount can interfere with your love life, which is why I created my Incredible S.e.x. Hypno-Reiki Meditation audio MP3:
Copyright © 2011 Stephen Petullo