It’s no wonder spiritual and metaphysical topics have a bad reputation because of so much misinformation, disinformation, dogma, wishful thinking, and myths. This is unfortunate because it prevents people from realizing how helpful spiritual information and techniques can be. Below is a list of debunked myths based on my long-term empirical research.
Myth: There isn’t a God or Higher Power because it wouldn’t let bad things happen.
Reality: Bad things happen because humans have free will on Earth.
Myth: Faith is unreliable.
Reality: Prayer or asking for spiritual help doesn’t always work to get what one wants because we cannot control what is fated or karmic. But thankfully, we have free will to react positively to fate and karma.
Myth: There’s no evidence of life after death, reincarnation, lost souls, or spirit attachment
Reality: There’s a lot of evidence, and I include some of it in the scientific studies and respected experts cited in the Bibliography and Recommended Resources of this book.
Myth: believing in spiritual concepts like reincarnation, life after death, or entity attachment is conforming without thinking.
Reality: Many who explore these topics, myself included, are skeptical too, and like to consider the evidence objectively.
“Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions.”—Albert Einstein
I’ve noticed that clearing negative energy, along with meditation, past-life regression, and related techniques, helps develop intuition and psychic ability. This allows one to be more discerning and to better sense truth.
Myth: Past lives don’t matter, the present does.
Reality: While the present is more important than the past, past lives don’t matter much until you realize how much they’re affecting your current life through subconscious emotional baggage and karma.
Myth: People who believe in reincarnation don’t have the courage to accept this life is all you get.
Reality: It takes courage to accept and live within the concepts of reincarnation and karma: it means taking responsibility for everything you do, say, intend, and feel, and for all that happens to you. You can’t play the victim too much and you “get away with” nothing.
Myth: Only gullible people believe in metaphysical philosophies such as reincarnation.
Reality: Throughout history the belief in reincarnation and karma has been common. The concepts have been an integral part of Eastern religions including Taoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, as well as the religions and beliefs of Egypt, India, and Greece. The Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras taught that the soul survived after death of the body. The Greek philosophers Plato and Socrates believed in reincarnation. Other famous people who believed in reincarnation include Leonardo da Vinci, Edgar Allan Poe, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Benjamin Franklin.
Myth: Reincarnation isn’t an important part of spirituality.
Reality: Reincarnation is intimately tied to free will, karma, and fate. You can’t have one without the others, and contrary to popular belief, karma seems to originate from mostly past-life actions.
By the way, can you imagine how our world would improve if more people accepted the likelihood of reincarnation? What if more people realized how our souls reincarnate again and again to experience many aspects of human life, such as different races, genders, sexual orientations, nationalities, countries, religions, statuses, and more?
Myth: “Past lives can’t be proven so there’s no benefit from past-life regression.”
Reality: It doesn’t matter if you believe in reincarnation for this process to (sometimes dramatically) help you reach goals and resolve blocks by releasing the past and freeing you from the energy and stress related to it.
Myth: A belief in reincarnation is anti-religious.
Reality: There is evidence reincarnation was originally in the Bible. See Appendix 3: Why Some People Incorrectly Assume Metaphysical Practices Are Demonic or Sinful.
Myth: Channeled information is always accurate.
Reality: Although I’m grateful for my guides and archangels of the Light and regularly work with them, just because information is “channeled” (or feels good or is quoted by someone famous) doesn’t mean it’s always accurate or true for this dimension. Always be discerning. Clearing and protecting your energy will help prevent spiritual troublemakers from interfering.
Myth: Physics and mysticism are the same.
Reality: Most well-respected quantum physicists today (those with PhD’s in quantum physics) along with the founding fathers of quantum physics, who also believed themselves to be mystics (including Erwin Schrodinger, Max Planck, and Niels Bohr), firmly believed that it’s erroneous to group physics and mysticism in the same dimension. Planck said that trying to merge physics and mysticism “makes no sense at all,” since spirituality is associated with the source of everything on a soul level, and quantum physics relates to the most infinitesimal level of the physical world of matter and energy.
Myth: The best metaphysical books contain difficult to understand messages.
Reality: I appreciate creative, inspirational writing, especially when it’s grounded in truth instead of cozy escapism. But when one simple idea is stretched into pages of wistful, much-about-nothing, long-winded prose, and one concise paragraph could have outlined the point, it just confuses the reader. Truth isn’t complicated, and you should be wary if you have to read a passage more than a few times to get its meaning.
Myth: It’s possible to release and avoid your karma.
Reality: You can ease, but not evade, your karma with acceptance, forgiveness, and unconditional love. For instance, you can’t erase the lifetimes of disharmony between you and a sibling, but you can lighten the load by how you view and react to it.
Myth: There’s no such thing as negative energy or demons.
Reality: Some might laugh at the idea of demons, and some people (who might be influenced by demons) angrily doubt their existence. They’re certainly entitled to their opinions, but I urge them to do some objective research before judging.
A prominent psychiatrist says possession is real: “’Demonic possession is real and victims seeking exorcism should not be ignored’: Prominent Psychiatrist on the World Beyond.”
Myth: People who display the traits of possession or spirit attachment need therapy with a mental health professional, not a depossession, energy clearing, or Spiritual Detox.
Reality: They may need both or they may need neither. Why not try both approaches for those who seek help?
Myth: Only priests should remove spiritual clutter or perform exorcisms.
Reality: Many people who aren’t priests regularly perform successful depossessions and they aren’t the only way to clear spiritual clutter.
Myth: If you’re possessed or a lost soul is influencing you, you’d know it.
Reality: Since the problem isn’t common knowledge, most people don’t realize when an entity is on-board or nearby. Also, as mentioned, it’s easy to confuse your thoughts with those of an entity or disembodied soul.
Myth: If you hear voices they are probably from demons.
Reality: Positive information received spontaneously, or through dreams, meditation, or prayer usually isn’t from demons. Negative thoughts or voices suggesting hurtful words or acts can be, or from lost souls, but of course can result from stress too.
Myth: Spirit attachment is something to fear.
Reality: The subject of demons and lost souls can seem scary, but they’re usually more like bratty children that simply need to be firmly directed to the proper place.
This blog post was adapted from chapter 17 of the beta version of my book Your Soul Knows, available free for limited time.
Copyright © 2023 Stephen Petullo
Image by Fathromi Ramdlon from Pixabay