According to Martha Stout, PhD, author of The Sociopath Next Door, about one out of 25 people is a sociopath, someone who has no conscience and lacks a sense of moral responsibility. They’re often very charming, but will also do whatever they can to get what they want or even intentionally hurt you for their own pleasure.
Whether you’re single and dating or seriously involved, avoid heartache and hassles by understanding the traits of a sociopath with the following test:
True or false? A sociopath…
…looks and acts like a normal person.
…never takes responsibility for her actions.
…when confronted with the outcomes of his behavior, he’ll simply deny it and believe his own lies.
…sees others as “naive” for doing the right thing.
…views their friends, family, and partners as possessions, there to serve her.
…can instantly recognize someone who is honest, trusting, yet vulnerable and will prey upon them.
…appeals for your sympathy.
…isn’t able to feel any empathy for anyone.
…feels bad when he gets caught, but it’s not guilt, he feels bad for himself.
All the above are true.
Guard against sociopaths by paying attention to behavior in addition to what is said, not automatically giving strangers the benefit of the doubt, being suspicious of excessive flattery, and trusting your intuition.
If someone you know has consistently demonstrated the traits of a sociopath, cut your losses and avoid them, if possible.
Our handwriting analyses, comprehensive astrology and numerology readings, and tarot and intuitive readings can also help you identify and avoid a sociopath.
Copyright © 2011 Stephen Petullo