Hello Stephen, I’ve read some of your articles about getting rid of ghosts…. I’ve had strange problems and illness ever since I started exploring the occult and got over my head about 12yrs ago… It calls for me…. ever since then I’ve had problems you described as hot and cold spots, seeing shadows, and voices telling me things. I didn’t know what to do about them, I’ve had a reiki session that helped me, but all the issues I’ve had to address with psychiatrists and have been medicated since 2004 but I’m still haunted and possessed by the occult that I got into…the voices started as a telepathic conversation that turned into a hurtful abusive relationship with this entity… then it started telling me to die, the voices telling me I was a satanic witness, and I’ve fallen apart time after time, the medicine never really helped me, I’ve gained a lot of weight and can’t stop smoking….I followed your steps and I want to thank you for helping me feel more normal, I’m still really worried though about this spirit that follows me around, seems to hurt other people, strikes fear and paranoia into others, scares children and wants me to die….I was wondering what you suggest I should do, I’m going to keep trying to guide the spirit into the light…I asked the spirit if it was for guidance and it said yes, which scared me more…it says guidance but I don’t believe it, I believe it is trying to confuse and mislead me….thank you for the help….I’m wondering about the spiritual detox, yet i’m worried about the mp3 because the spirit seems to want to stop me from doing this….waiting for you reply… thank you. Jaimie
Hi Jamie,
Regarding being haunted or “possessed by the occult,” that sounds like something someone told you who knows little about the occult. The occult cannot possess you, and exploring topics such as astrology, numerology, meditation, tarot, past life regression or others is not dangerous. “Occult” simply refers to hidden information.
On the other hand, black magic and some spells can cause possession and I recommend avoiding them. Channeling, astral projection, and use of a Ouija board can attract mischievous entities, but are only hazardous if you have a negative intent, are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or you are the rare person who is extremely susceptible to dark energy attack (which is often karmic). Even then it’s fairly easy to protect yourself by visualizing white Light, calling upon spirit guides of the Light for help, and only experimenting with such metaphysical tools after you have done your research and know what you’re doing.
Possession or spirit attachment is actually quite common, and it’s not from exploring occult or metaphysical subjects. Please see my Q&A page about the subject here: http://www.holisticmakeover.com/spirit_attachmentQA.htm.
Possession is not the same as spirit guides, which everyone has. The one(s) with you definitely seem negative from what you’ve described, and they certainly aren’t there to provide helpful guidance. Truly benevolent guides and spirits never encourage fear, paranoia or the other problems you’ve described.
I’m not surprised the entity doesn’t want you to use my Spiritual Detox MP3 http://www.holisticmakeover.com/SpiritualDetox.htm because that audio helps people remove negative entities and lost souls. Negative entities will do anything to attempt to remain in control, and it’s often difficult to distinguish their thoughts from your own.
Negative entities don’t have a right to be with you and you have the right to remove them if you choose to. Unfortunately, medication will not clear them. Stop listening to the voices and take your life back. You are in control if you choose to be. My Spiritual Detox MP3 http://www.holisticmakeover.com/SpiritualDetox.htm helps remove and protect from most entities, but very stubborn energies may require the help of a spirit releasement, depossession, or similar practitioner in your area or by phone.
Copyright © 2012 Stephen Petullo
photo credit: felinebird via photo pin cc