Stephen’s response:
Hi Amanda,
Thank you for your interest in my blog and our columns. Based on our research, the only way you can balance your karma is to live through it. Forgiving yourself also helps, sometimes a lot, but it won’t erase what is already set into motion.
Of course, karma is not so black and white. Your intent is of more importance, and something you feel guilty about doing may not actually create negative karma for your future. For example, it wasn’t your intent to hurt a partner by having an affair, but you did. However, the relationship with that partner was over long ago, even though you stayed together, and he cheated on you many times in past lives, so it was his karma to experience it as the “victim” this time. You served him perfectly with your actions.
The best you can do is always do the “right thing” from this point forward. Keep in mind that the “right thing” isn’t about what’s “morally” correct, but essentially treating others as you’d like to be treated.
In Light,
Copyright © 2011 Stephen Petullo [subscribe2]