After death, the soul goes to the astral world. I read somewhere that it has to wait for 20-80 years before reincarnating. Why does this happen? Why can’t souls be reborn quickly in a short span? Thanks, Reisha
In my many years of reincarnation and life-between-life empirical research, I’ve found that the number of years each soul waits before incarnating again varies, just as how long souls live in bodies on Earth does. Some incarnate right away and others may wait a long time. The decision is up to them, although their guides help them realize what choices are for their highest good.
Claims that a soul has to wait 20-80 years before reincarnating, every soul incarnates a specific number of times, a soul only reincarnates into a certain country, race, religion or gender every time, you only live once, nudity is a sin, if you don’t follow a particular religion or belief you are doomed, or other such nonsense are pure dogma. Ask why they believe the statement is true and you’ll usually receive an answer like, “So-and-so said so” and so-and-so usually hasn’t done any testing of his or her theories at all, nor do they have any rational explanation of their wild claims.
If you want the truth, I’ve found it’s best to base beliefs on experience, not hearsay. For example, experiencing several past life regression sessions with an MP3 audio or a trained regressionist will help you understand more about the process of reincarnation, your unique soul journey and your present life.
Copyright © 2012 Stephen Petullo