Intuition is often described as our “sixth sense”—that gut feeling or inner voice that guides us. But how do you know when to trust your intuition? This article will explore practical ways to develop and rely on your intuition to make more confident decisions.
Key Principles for Trusting Your Intuition
- Stay Open and Objective
While intuitive feelings can be powerful, it’s crucial to remain objective. Don’t jump to conclusions; instead, stay open to additional information and clues. - Be Patient
Intuitive insights don’t always come immediately. Trust that you’ll receive the right insight at the right time. - Perception
How you perceive a situation can make a difference. Watch your assumptions and remain open to possibilities. - Test and Verify
Use trial and error to distinguish between genuine intuition and other influences like wishful thinking or external suggestions. - Experience
With practice, you will learn to recognize when it’s an intuitive hit, or wishful thinking, imagination, indigestion, someone else’s thought or desire, or a troublemaker spirit.
Practical Exercises to Develop Your Intuition
Regular meditation can enhance your intuitive abilities. Try this simple exercise:
- Sit quietly for 5-10 minutes daily
- Focus on your breath
- When thoughts arise, acknowledge them and let them go
- After meditation, journal any insights or feelings that emerged
Sign Recognition
Train yourself to notice signs around you:
- Set an intention to be more aware of your surroundings
- Note anything that stands out or provokes an emotional response
- Look for patterns, especially if you encounter similar signs multiple times in a short period
- Personal example: When my subconscious mind or spirit guides want to get my attention about something important, I often see three or more similar signs that stand out to me in less than twenty-four hours. For instance, the same uncommon word jumping out at me from different places like an overheard conversation, a book, online, a dream, or a song. The first I don’t notice. The second I usually notice, and the third I notice and realize it’s important for some reason. I then meditate on it and ask for help about the significance. Sometimes I look up the word in a dream dictionary and scan the definitions for anything that feels right.
- Keep a journal by your bed
- Upon waking, immediately write down any dream fragments you remember
- Look for recurring themes or symbols
Body Awareness
Our bodies often react to intuitive impressions
- Practice regular body scans, noting any areas of tension or ease
- Pay attention to physical sensations when making decisions
Intuition Journaling
Keep track of your intuitive hits
- Note the outcome when you follow (or don’t follow) these impressions
- Over time, look for patterns in your successes and misses
Additional Ways to Access Intuitive Insights
Pay attention to songs that play in your mind
This can be a subtle form of intuitive guidance. For example, one morning I woke up with Authority Song by John Mellencamp in my head, specifically the verse about always losing when fighting authority. Later that day I made an illegal left turn out of a parking lot. There was no traffic at all, so I thought it would be fine. Unfortunately, a motorcycle traffic cop was hiding behind some bushes a block away and watching me. Authority won; I got a ticket.
Emotional Resonance
Notice what makes your “heart sing”, as that can offer intuitive clues about what’s right for you. But be careful about allowing emotions to cloud judgment. For example, though a new date you don’t know well yet might be a predestined love relationship, romantic illusion can also prompt such feelings of love.
Spirit Guides
You may receive help through channeling spirit guides of the Light or mediumship (between the living and dead). Many people do this spontaneously and occasionally without realizing from where the insight is coming.
Having faith and believing spiritual helpers are listening and working with you is an important part of the process.
Note: spiritually protect and clear yourself often to avoid bad advice from troublemaker entities or lost souls. Just because a soul or entity is disembodied or on the Other Side doesn’t guarantee their insight is valid or helpful. Always be discerning and cautious.
Astrology, numerology, tarot, or palm readings
These metaphysical sciences can be very accurate if you go deep enough. The superficial versions, like horoscopes, use only one or two aspects (like a Sun or Moon sign) and are too general for accuracy (unless you’re psychic and using them as a touchstone). A comprehensive approach can be far more accurate because it uses hundreds of aspects. Studying on your own, or receiving an in-depth reading from someone who truly knows their craft, can confirm your intuition and give you helpful guidance and insight.
Balancing Intuition and Skepticism
Try to maintain a balanced perspective. Skepticism can be healthy, encouraging us to verify our intuitive impressions. The goal is to find a middle ground where intuition and rational thinking work together.
Copyright © 2024 Stephen Petullo
This blog post was adapted from the beta version of my book Your Soul Knows, available free for limited time.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay