Misunderstood. Most people think they’re rare and don’t understand the threat. | Same. One of their best tricks is to persuade people they don’t exist. |
Hide their intentions by concealing themselves in labels like “social activists”, “community activists”, “democratic socialists”, and “progressives”. | Not obvious. Not like in the movies. Conceal themselves by influencing humans to do their bidding. Humans usually have no idea. |
Extraordinary ability to understand and manipulate others. Slowly dominate the mind of people. | Same |
Responsible for the impoverishment, enslavement, and death of millions. | Contribute to the suffering of millions. |
Heavily influenced by demons, especially those in power. | Heavily influence Marxists. |
Rapidly expanding their power. | Same |
Actively working to destroy (“transform”) the country for their own benefit. | Actively working to destroy the masses. |
Freely and frequently use lies, gaslighting, false promises, deception, propaganda, and indoctrination to get what they want. | Influence humans to use the same. |
Their ideas sound reasonable at first, but upon looking deeper, they’re actually terrible. | Their thoughts and ideas get confused with yours and lead to bad decisions. |
Never take responsibility for the problems they cause, and blame others for what they themselves are doing. | Influence humans to do the same. |
Parasites that drain your resources/energy and feel entitled to do so. | Same |
Demand conformity. | Demand compliance. |
Intolerant bigots. | Same |
Against your freedom and want to control you. | Same |
Silence conflicting views through tyrannical schemes. | Influence humans to do the same. |
Heavily influence the mainstream media, the education system, universities, and Hollywood. | Same |
Rely and prey on the ignorant. | Same |
Full of empty promises. | Same |
Devotees ignore the evidence/dangers because their cause/money/power is too important to them. | Same |
Power hungry and want to permanently destroy all opposition. | Same |
Allegiance to the party, at the expense of everything else. | They don’t care about your needs. |
Will eventually negatively affect you, even if you don’t believe they’re a threat. | Same |
Will succeed if you don’t believe they’re a threat. | Same |
What Can you Do About Demons?
Simply being aware of the problem gives you an advantage.
You don’t need to be religious to protect yourself, but it can help.
One way to protect yourself and clear negative energy from yourself or your home is with a spiritual protection prayer, such as my free Spiritual Detox Script. It only takes 10 minutes and you’ll feel better after using it.
What Can You Do About Marxists?
Be discerning. Don’t rely on only mainstream media for your news; they often fail to report the whole story and 90% of “journalists” are partisan hacks with an agenda. Many can’t investigate/report the truth out of a fear of being fired.
Don’t fall for politicians’ lies and empty promises. A politician shouldn’t have to lie about or hide their policies if they are good. Marxists pretend to be moderate because they can’t run on their true agenda (open borders, higher taxes for all, more spending = higher inflation/higher prices, releasing criminals from jail, and undermining Israel and supporting terrorists Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran).
Don’t vote for politicians based on their words or personalities, but on their records, actions, and voting history (Kamala’s as a senator was to the left of Bernie Sanders, who is a “democratic socialist”/Marxist). Vote the Marxists out.
“Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.”—Thomas Sowell
Copyright © 2024 Stephen Petullo
Image by Wynn Pointaux from Pixabay