How much of your reality can you create or control?
Here’s an email my twin brother Scott (who has explored metaphysics with me since our teens) and I received about the law of attraction and fate:
“Hi guys, despite all your interesting findings on fate and destiny, of which I firmly believe, I am stunned at the amount of new age information out there concerning the LOA, whereby, so many people, particularly in my Facebook group, who seem to espouse continually how we can create our reality moment to moment, and that fate doesn’t exist. I’ve even mentioned your research but it doesn’t seem to get through. I know the task is for us all to form our own beliefs, but can’t help think why kid ourselves also. Anyway, just wanted to share that with you, keep up the good work! Regards, Chris.”
According to law of attraction experts, you can create whatever you want. When you visualize and feel what you want, without any doubt, they say, you draw it to you.
If the law of attraction works for you, great! You can incorporate it with the Your Soul Knows ten steps, if you’d like.
But I’ve heard from so many people who were disappointed the LOA didn’t work for them, and they often felt like it was their fault.
LOA experts say doubt, worry, fear, not being specific enough about your goal, and not enough action, can block manifesting.
That makes sense. But I believe they’re overlooking something very important: Fate!
By the way, some astrologers, numerologists, and other metaphysical practitioners alter the meaning of the words fate and destiny, seemingly, to give hope. Unfortunately, this makes modern astrology and numerology seem less accurate and more about inspiration instead of identifying, at times, life’s hard, cold realities. The ancient astrologers, mystics, and seers used fate and destiny interchangeably, and so do I.
According to Rhonda Byrne, the author of the 2006, thirty million copy best-selling book The Secret, you can use the law of attraction to create whatever you want: “With the knowledge from The Secret there is not anything any human cannot be, do or have…not a single thing. No limits whatsoever.”
Years later, law of attraction marketers are now focusing on why it didn’t work for so many people by promoting what they believe is the missing piece of the LOA. Yes, you still can create anything you want (according to them), but only if you buy another book or seminar ticket from someone who (claims to have) figured out how to cheat fate.
It’s not surprising so many people deny fate because most LOA marketers don’t mention it, or if they do, they claim you can change it.
Another problem with the LOA is you’re supposed to suspend all disbelief about your goal. How then, can you acknowledge and plan for challenges?
The Bad News
As much as I’d like to believe otherwise, I don’t believe the law of attraction can help anyone “create” anything they want because of other spiritual laws (I discuss them in the next chapter) that supersede the law of attraction.
Thinking positive thoughts, as the law of attraction instructs, will make your life more pleasant and can be helpful with goals. But denying reality isn’t going to magically transform a dog turd into a diamond.
If you’re a believer in the LOA, I’m sorry to be a Debbie downer. I believe I’m being more helpful to you, rather than just promoting inspiration and promising you anything you desire. Now that you’re armed with this information, I’ll show you later how to use it to your benefit.
The Good News
You can use your free will to work with your fate!
Basically, when your goal, or the circumstances for it, is fated, and you use your free will to take steps to reach it, you’ll be more likely to reach and maintain your goal.
How do you know if a goal is fated?
When you are centered, and your energy is clear and not too scattered from emotions and other things, you gravitate towards goals that are part of your destined or fated path.
Keep in mind, however, that sometimes reaching the goal isn’t destined, but the path is. The path of trying for the goal may be more important to your soul growth than actually reaching it, and failure is sometimes an important part of future success.
Also, the more you know your strengths, talents, skills, interests, and most importantly, your inner wisdom or your soul, the more you’ll be better able to take advantage of and pursue goals that are aligned with them.
This is why the Your Soul Knows method is so valuable.
In other words, rather than trying to “create” something that isn’t part of your path or your best option, when you know yourself and your soul (or begin to), you gravitate towards goals that are a better fit and make the most of your fate.
Copyright © 2024 Stephen Petullo
This blog post was adapted from chapter 1 of the beta version of my book Your Soul Knows, available free for limited time: