When people have a near-death experience (NDE), they’re unencumbered by the physical body and Earthly stresses. Their souls, while on the Other Side, gain an instant understanding of the spiritual side of life, or what I call the Other Side Perspective (OSP). Below I list surprising and life-changing near-death experience patterns I’ve noticed from thousands of cases.
After death of the body, souls go through a life review and find their every word and action was recorded. Seeing and feeling this from the perspective of an observer, and simultaneously as the receiver, without our personality-based justifications or excuses, is an incredibly humbling experience. This is one reason so many near-death experiencers are permanently changed afterwards; they now truly understand that we are all connected, and thus the importance of “The Golden Rule.”
During life reviews, many realize money, status, fame, and success aren’t the most important things in life after all, but that forgiveness, acceptance, and being unconditionally loving and helpful mean everything.
“Injustices” are corrected, ultimately, because of karma and reincarnation; no one really gets away with anything. Bad things happen not because of God or a higher power, but because of humans having free will on Earth.
Religion is optional on the Other Side. Just by being on the Other Side, souls can perceive far more about the reality of spirituality than they could by studying any religion or in meditation while on Earth.
Religious people tend to become more spiritual and less religious after an NDE; they experienced spiritual truth and realized you don’t need religion to be a good person or allowed entry to “heaven.”
As souls, we are all quite similar if you go beyond the surface aspects like skin color, gender, status, or culture. Most souls eventually incarnate as different races and in different cultures.
Relationship partners almost always have a long soul history, sometimes “good,” sometimes not, with attached “good” and not so good karma. Relationships have time limits due to fate.
You will see your loved ones again. You can continue love relationships on the Other Side, but souls don’t usually feel as much of a need to have an exclusive love relationship there like humans do on Earth.
Sexuality and gender issues begin with the soul, before birth. Gay and transgender people are born that way, something their soul (not personality) agreed to. Conflict about it can stem from past lives, and they can reduce the stress by addressing the spiritual side.
Addiction carries over from past lives, and addressing the spiritual side can help deal with the problem.
We’re often being observed by many beings, including negative entities on lower dimensions at times. This is one reason spiritual clearing and protection is important; spirit possession and spirit attachment do occur.
Spirit guides try to help everyone on Earth all the time, but we aren’t usually taught as humans to pay attention.
Many people who have had NDEs report, while clinically dead, they could feel the loving thoughts and prayers from loved ones, and they were helpful and appreciated.
Souls don’t forget their loved ones after crossing over, and often try to help by sending love, inspiration, and ideas telepathically.
NDEs are incredibly empowering and life changing from all the love and insight. It’s not like a dream that might influence you for a day or two. Many feel less overwhelmed by their problems on Earth because they gained the important realization that they have help from above and the power within to transform and make their lives better. I and many others experience similar empowerment through meditation, spiritual clearing, and past-life regression.
I find it fascinating that most, if not all, of the spiritual information from NDE accounts is in harmony with what I’ve found through past-life regression, meditation, ancient and comprehensive astrology and numerology, and other metaphysical practices. That’s another indication to me that we’re on to something.
Copyright © 2023 Stephen Petullo
This blog post was adapted from Appendix 4 of the beta version of my book Your Soul Knows, available free for limited time. https://dl.bookfunnel.com/sy4znbr1pc