But there are other helpful tools and tricks you can use that will shed light on the subject and help you see more clearly.
Instead of focussing on the uncertainty and worst possible outcomes and magnifying the stress and worry, empower yourself with the following tips.
Be grateful for where you are, what you’re learning, and perceiving all options, even if you haven’t yet. Take responsibility for your situation instead of blaming. Be grateful for unexpected and wonderful advice.
Take Care Of Yourself
Alter your diet if you’re feeling heavy or tired or aren’t sleeping well. At the very least, avoid sugar, processed foods, fruit juices, and soda (diet and regular), and do some type of exercise daily. A long walk, especially in nature, can do wonders for clearing your head.
Clear Your Energy
Try the free Spiritual Detox script, which will clear away spiritual clutter and help you perceive your life more clearly.
Ask For Help
Call out to your guides of the Light. Explain the situation, your concerns, and the outcome you would like. Ask for assistance with your goal, and to perceive any important insight you aren’t seeing about the situation. Also, you might be better off waiting to take action, so ask about that too.
Look For Signs
They can appear at any time or in any way. They probably won’t be as obvious as a detailed plan of action, but you should notice words or phrases, for example, that stand out to you. I sometimes perceive signs in threes, such as seeing or hearing the same unusual word or object mentioned three separate times within a day or two.
Get Centered
Meditate often so you’ll be more in touch with your subconscious mind and aware of signs and feelings pointing you in the right direction. When you’re rushed, even five or ten minutes can make a difference.
Have Faith
Trust and be grateful you’ll know what to do at the right time.
Copyright © 2019 Stephen Petullo