A new study claims having a “nice” partner is more important than compatibility.
“People invest a lot in finding someone who’s compatible, but our research says that may not be the end all be all,” said Bill Chopik, associate professor of psychology and director of MSU’s Close Relationships Lab. “Instead, people may want to ask, ‘Are they a nice person?’ ‘Do they have a lot of anxiety?’ Those things matter way more than the fact that two people are introverts and end up together.”
Researchers were surprised when they found similar interests and personalities had little or no effect on love life satisfaction. They also found relationships with someone who is overly neurotic or extroverted results in less relationship satisfaction.
The authors of this study consider interests and personality traits as compatibility. What they don’t mention, and what I’ve found to be most important in relationship happiness and how compatible a couple is, is the energy connection between them.
The energy connection can be linked to karma, either positive, negative, or a combination. It’s what causes someone to be familiar when you meet them for the first time in this life, and makes you instantly dislike or like or love a person upon first meeting. The energy can be conducive to a good intellectual, emotional, spiritual, or sexual connection, or not. The bond existed before you met in this incarnation since, according to my findings, everyone you know now you’ve known in past lives.
How do you find people with whom you share a good energy connection? Unfortunately, dating apps don’t yet and may never have such technology that allows you to swipe right only on those with whom you have great karma.
But fate will help you meet everyone you’re destined to, whether it be for love, career, or other reasons. And you can use your free will to meet fated circumstances and events by making an effort to reach your goals and be the best version of yourself, along with being open to meeting new people. Regular meditation will help strengthen your intuition so you’ll know who to spend time with and who to avoid.
I agree with the authors of the study about how being kind can make or break a relationship. But I’ve found the level of inherent compatibility, the energy connection, is unalterable. The good news is that you can use your free will to make the most of the situation.
Copyright © 2019 Stephen Petullo
Image by Marta Simon from Pixabay