Many people call for “income equality,” to close the gap between the “rich” and the “poor.” Almost everyone agrees that much more can be done to help those in need, but the topic leads to fiery debates about how to accomplish that goal.
Why not extend the idea of equality to other parts of life? Shouldn’t sex and love be equal for all too?
Shouldn’t the hottest and sexiest people amongst us be sharing themselves with those who are less fortunate in the looks department, or who don’t have the motivation or desire to exercise and eat healthily?
Shouldn’t happily in love couples stop being so selfish and share their relationship with the unhappily single?
No, because humans are not clones. Everyone has different histories, karma, and fate, which renders outcomes different for all. Everyone should be striving for equal opportunity, not equal outcomes.
By the way, I’m all for helping those in need and, or who cannot help themselves. Most people who have successful careers or love lives had a lot of help along the way, but they also had the winds of fate at their backs, along with the discipline to make it happen.
If you look at only this existence, life does seem unfair. But if you add reincarnation, karma, and fate to the equation, the “unexplained” and “unjust” begins to make more sense. Your history goes way, way beyond and before your birth in this life.
The good news is that you were born with free will, and you can use it to make the most of yourself, which will increase your opportunities in your love life and other parts of life.
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Copyright © 2014 Stephen Petullo
photo credit: More Than Maths via photopin cc