A new study about near-death experiences (NDEs) indicates it’s a world wide phenomenon, 10% of people report having one, and there could be both a physiological and spiritual explanation.
Researchers from the Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, the Center for Stroke Research, Berlin, and the Norwegian University of Technology, Trondheim, Norway analyzed 1034 people from 35 countries.
They used a detailed questionnaire called the Greyson Near-Death Experience Scale, which covers 16 specific symptoms. Of the 289 people who reported a NDE, 106 reached 7 on the scale, which confirms a true NDE.
87% experienced abnormal time perception, 65% exceptional speed of thought, 63% exceptionally vivid senses, and 53% felt separated from or out of their body.
Many also experienced other common traits of a NDE such as seeing their life flash before them, moving towards a bright light, and feeling at total peace.
Skeptics say NDEs are simply the result of their brains reacting to the situation. However, this doesn’t explain how there are many reports of NDE experiencers knowing things they couldn’t have possibly known, such as details about conversations rooms or miles away from the operating room, for example.
But for those who experience a NDE, it’s far more than just a dream and usually changes their life forever. Most say it’s difficult to put into words, and only others who have had a NDE would understand. Someone who has researched NDEs and related spiritual topics might begin to comprehend it.
Could there be a biological and spiritual explanation for NDEs? The head researcher of this study seems to think so.
Dr. Daniel Kondziella, a neurologist at the University of Copenhagen, believes both skeptics and believers could be right: “As a scientist, I think there is a biological explanation,” he said. “But if there is a deeper meaning for them, that is a question for philosophers and religious leaders.”
Copyright © 2019 Stephen Petullo
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