A solar eclipse occurs on December 3, 2021.
What does this mean for you? It depends on the patterns in your comprehensive astrology charts. Some might not notice anything, while others experience major changes. But in general, it’s a time of perception being off.
For example, you read about a great new investment idea, but then after the eclipse you find more information and realize it’s a bad idea.
Alternatively, something might seem worse than it really is during an eclipse.
It can also be a good time to perceive helpful new insight about a person or situation in your life.
As Scott describes here, solar eclipses usually symbolize beginnings, and lunar eclipses endings. Solar eclipses can be easier than lunar eclipses.
As Scott mentions in the article linked above, astrological events don’t make things happen or affect you, they only symbolize things and the energy behind them.
Use caution a few weeks before and a few days after eclipse.
This isn’t an ideal time for spontaneously acting on seemingly wonderful new ideas, signing important contracts, or making major purchases. If possible, pause, check details and options, and wait until after the eclipse to act.