Update from Stephen: I’m hard at work preparing the marketing for my new book, Half on the Other Side: How Ancient Spiritual Techniques Helped Me Deal with Substance Abuse, Depression, Sexuality, Gender, and Love.
Writing this kind of book was like a daily, intense therapy session. Things surfaced that I totally forgot about, didn’t realize were still influencing me so profoundly, or never even occurred to me. I feel like I learned so much and became a better person.
During the process, which I really enjoyed, ideas for several new books kept swimming into my mind. Those will be novels or novellas based on the past lives I mention in this book. Part of me wonders if all the research and work I did for the book I’m about to launch is more for the future books. We’ll see.
Everything is coming together nicely for the March 30th launch, and I can’t wait to share it with you!
Mercury Retrograde Jan. 14, 2022 – Feb. 3, 2022
Are you noticing Mercury retrograde? It began January 14th, but the “shadow,” which can be worse, started about 3 weeks before that. Mercury goes direct February 3rd, and the symbolic impact of it fades completely about 10 days later.
Be aware that delays and transportation problems, and misunderstandings and other communication hassles are common during Mercury retrograde.
It’s a good time to find solutions to old problems, along with other “re” words like redirecting, refurbishing, reenforcing retreading, redecorating, and reexamining.People from the past might show up. Your perception of people and situations could be distorted.
It might be a good idea to wait to see things more clearly, or at least proceed with caution with contracts, buying expensive items, and new people (especially since Venus, which rules beauty, love, and friendships, was still retrograde until today, Jan. 29th).
How Mercury retrograde symbolically affects you depends upon where it’s transiting in your charts and other astrological factors.
Even if you haven’t noticed it much this time, it’s good to keep in mind since other people’s Mercury retrograde situations might affect you.
See this page for more information about Mercury retrograde.
Copyright © 2022 Stephen Petullo