I was at the grocery store recently and stopped to decide which brand of maple syrup to buy. Two Hispanic women were chatting about ten feet away from me but I wasn’t paying attention to them. Suddenly, one of them was right behind me and backed into me. She didn’t turn around and just stood there. I thought it was odd but just grabbed the syrup and finished my shopping.
When I arrived home, I felt tired and down, but assumed it was only because I didn’t sleep well the previous night. As the day went on I felt worse, and the awful sinking feeling I experience sometimes was much worse than usual. Since I was busy, I didn’t take the time to pause and think about it until after dinner, when I knew something was wrong. I stopped, focused, and asked myself what it was. I instantly “knew” something had attached to me when the woman at the grocery store bumped into me.
I immediately sat down on my couch and read my Spiritual Detox Script. When I reached the part about cords, I saw a thick, black, nasty looking cord attached to my back and gut area, and then removed by the helpful guides of the Light. The negative feelings instantly lifted.
That woman, like most people, probably has no idea about the spiritual clutter she’s carrying around. The cord was probably attached to a negative entity.
This was a reminder to me how easily you can pick up spiritual debris anywhere you go.
You can also be spiritually attacked from distance by someone thinking angry thoughts about you, even if they’re not trying to spiritually attack you. It happens to me sometimes when I send out a controversial blog post.
I’m fortunate (or perhaps unfortunate, at times) that I’m so empathic, and have experience with spiritual clutter, and can identify and remove it.
Most people don’t understand that their low energy, depression, anxiety, and other negative emotions can be influenced by spiritual clutter.
You don’t have to carry it around anymore. It’s easy to release. Just read my Spiritual Detox Script. It only takes 10 minutes to call in powerful spiritual helpers from the Light who are happy to help you. You’ll feel lighter, happier, and more yourself afterwards.
Download my FREE Spiritual Detox Script here: https://stephenpetullo.com/spiritual-detox/
Below is a helpful extract from my Spiritual Detox Script ebook.
How do we pick up spiritual clutter and negative energy?
Inadvertently picking up negative energies, entities, lost souls, and even demonic energy is, unfortunately, too easy. The most common ways of picking up spiritual clutter is by weakening the energy field or aura with excessive alcohol, drugs, extreme stress, anger, dwelling on negative thoughts, or lack of sleep. Unwanted, uninvited energy can also attach during sex, sexual abuse, surgery, illness, before birth, and during childhood. Spiritually sensitive people are more at risk.
An almost guaranteed way of picking up lost souls (also known as spiritual hitchhikers) is by using drugs or drinking excessively and then walking through a hospital, cemetery, or anywhere else lost souls might be hanging around.
Can you pick up spiritual clutter through negative magic or spells?
Practitioners of negative magic, which is practicing magic with the intention of doing harm or controlling others, create negative karma for themselves. They can also attract negative entities and become indebted to them, sometimes for lifetimes. All actions return to the sender. Steer clear of negative magic!
Wicca, or witchcraft, when used as a positive method to harness, direct, and use energies for the highest good of all, isn’t the same thing. However, using certain ancient Wicca spells might bring forth, all the way from ancient times, fear and entities associated with the spells. Do your research if you ever use Wicca to make sure you know what you are doing. Ask for protection from guides of the Light beforehand and use a white Light of protection before, during, and after.
What are the common signs of unwanted, problematic energy, and lost souls?
Signs of needing a Spiritual Detox include negative emotional and, or physical reactions to the idea of Spiritual Detox such as “part of you” wanting to do it and “part of you” not wanting to do it, physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual feelings of being blocked, abuse of alcohol or drugs, sudden onset of alcohol or drug abuse (especially if there are distinct personality changes while under the influence), addiction to sex, sudden unexplainable onset of sadness, depression, anger, fears, guilt or anxiety, reckless behavior, poor memory and concentration, hearing inner voices (especially with negative messages), sudden changes in personality, paranoia, feelings of being followed, feeling drained, feeling worthless, sudden unexplainable physical problems, and recurring dreams or nightmares.
“Perhaps 50 years from now Newsweek will do another lead article on the schizophrenic mind. And instead of saying that the paranoid schizophrenic ‘becomes convinced of beliefs at odds with reality, hears voices that aren’t there or sees images that exist nowhere but in his mind,’ the article will report that ‘in some cases it is almost certain that a hostile or mischievous spiritual being causes its victim to hear voices and see images that emanate not from the mind of the victim but from the mind of the spirit.’ If that turns out to be the case, then psychiatry will have to turn itself on its head, redesign the curriculum of its medical schools, and get about the business of healing all types of mental illness — those that originate in the chemistry of the brain, those that originate in the soul that constantly interacts with and may negatively alter the chemistry of the brain, and those that originate in a meddlesome or hostile spiritual presence targeting, either with or without its victim’s permission, the soul or brain of its victim.”—Stafford L. Betty Ph.D., “The Growing Evidence for ‘Demonic Possession’: What Should Psychiatry’s Response Be?” Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 44, No. 1 (Spring 2005)
Copyright © 2024 Stephen Petullo