Stafford Betty is a professor of world religions at California State University, Bakersfield, and an acclaimed expert on the afterlife. He describes, in great detail, what he found about life after death of the physical body in this article and his list of The Nifty Fifty.
Most of his research is with mediums, but after more than 30 years, he learned to identify the most reliable voices. His research matches that of other life after death researchers and the insight from countless people who clinically “died” and came back to life.
Why is this information important? To start, it helps us begin to understand the mysteries of life, gives life more meaning, and it’s comforting to realize that no one ever really dies.
Stafford includes many aspects of the Other Side, including the following: the typical view of heaven and hell are inaccurate; different cultures on Earth have their own areas of the afterlife; souls on the other side view life on earth as difficult but a great privilege; character on Earth counts but religious beliefs don’t; atheists change their minds after they die; physical illness or danger doesn’t exist there; spirits appreciate our prayers for them and do try to reach loved ones on Earth through mediums; everyone is part of a soul group and will happily reunite with them on the Other Side. He also discusses suicide, animals, pets, kids, clothes, sports, reincarnation, higher realms, guides, and much more!
Check out this fascinating read here:
Another source for what the Other Side might be like is a book called “The World Unseen” by Anthony Borgia, written in 1954. After his friend Robert Hugh Benson died, Mr. Borgia channeled the insight from Robert. The author includes so much interesting information, including how many books and works of art are created on the Other Side before on Earth; the authors and artists are inspired by their subconscious memories of the project.
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