Sex can be challenging for everyone, but sex is more challenging for the spiritually sensitive because in addition to needing a mental, emotional, and physical connection for good sex, they also need a harmonious spiritual connection. When you’re spiritually sensitive, the energy and karma dynamics between you and other people are much more obvious. You can’t just pretend everything is fine if it’s not.
For example, on the surface, he’s fun to spend time with and you have some common interests. But you can’t move beyond the past life memory, even if you don’t consciously remember the details, of being forced into a marriage and sex with him, which caused you misery for the rest of your life.
If you weren’t so spiritually sensitive, you could you just focus on the present instead of letting the past interfere, right? Perhaps at first, but eventually you’d want to exit the relationship because he’s controlling, just like he was centuries ago; the past often mirrors the present far more than most people realize. Spiritually sensitive people can save themselves a lot of trouble by trusting their gut, though they may be accused of being too picky by people who don’t understand.
In another case, they are quite compatible and she loves him, but she feels very uncomfortable when intimate with him. It’s not physical, as he’s gentle and respectful. Instead, it’s his energy; she can feel something very negative with him. Because of her awareness of dark energy, lost souls, and possession, she senses he has some spiritual hitchhikers onboard from his hard partying days, and his personality change for the worse after a few drinks further supports her thoughts. If she had been inexperienced sexually and, or unaware of dark energy and lost souls, she might have assumed it was her fault or that she isn’t interested in sex. Fortunately, she knew what to do to help clear his energy, and their sex life and relationship improved greatly.
In another example, they’ve been dating for several months and often hear comments from friends about how they seem made for each other. However, he can’t understand why he has trouble getting aroused with her. At first he assumed it was because of age. If he had accepted that, it might have meant the end of a satisfying sex life. Instead, after a thorough checkup, tests and finding he’s in great health, he chose to seek the root cause through past life regression. He was able to find the reason why they got along so well, and why the sex didn’t flow: they’d been brother and sister for several lifetimes and his subconscious memory of it caused him to be uninterested, understandably, in sex with her.
If you’re highly spiritually sensitive, sex is more challenging, but meditating daily, eating a clean diet, periodically clearing your energy, taking alone time to recharge, and avoiding toxic people will greatly improve your love and sex life.
Copyright © 2015 Stephen Petullo