According to a poll by e-Harmony, 12% of people (singles and people who aren’t in love with their partner) don’t think they’ll ever fall in love.
Some reasons people give up on love:
1) They don’t feel like there is anyone out there for them
2) They don’t meet anyone new
3) They don’t feel attractive
4) They find it hard to trust people
5) People don’t seem interested in them
6) They feel too old for dating
7) They can’t find anyone who understands them
8) They are not financially where they want to be
9) Dating and relationships are too difficult
10) They don’t meet anyone new at work
Psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos gives some good advice about the topic:
“To some extent saying that you’ve ‘given up on love’ is a self defense mechanism, lowering your own expectations so you won’t be disappointed if it never happens. It doesn’t mean you aren’t hopeful or even actively looking for a partner.
“However one does need to be aware of self-fulfilling prophecies where our negative expectations stop us even looking for love, because the reality is that you’re much more likely to make a meaningful connection if you believe in the possibility of it happening.”
Who is most likely to be disappointed with their love life? My findings show it’s the people who are overly idealistic and have unrealistic expectations that often reflect fairy-tales.
Here are 10 things to do instead of giving up on love:
1) Take a temporary break.
2) Self-improvement including daily exercise, diet change, and other tricks to look and feel your best.
3) Change where and how you meet people.
4) Examine what might be scaring people away.
5) Try traditional therapy (and, or past life regression therapy if you want to speed up the process and find the root cause of a problem).
6) Understand your love life timing. Sometimes you might be in a love life season of abundance, and other times it may be as dry as the desert. An expert who uses comprehensive numerology and astrology can help you identify when your love life timing will be hot or the opposite.
7) Accept that an ideal, romantic fantasy love life that lasts a lifetime is quite rare.
8) Learn to be happily single, yet still be open to what is meant to be, rather than expect what you think you should have.
9) Change your perception of dating and relationships by considering these soul mate myths.
10) Let go of expectations, enjoy the ride, and have fun (even if you aren’t getting what you want yet)!
Copyright © 2016 Stephen Petullo