Did Atlantis really exist? There’s a lot of conflicting information and opinions about the supposed lost continent. Some people say it’s a myth. Others say it really did exist in the Atlantic, off the coast of India, or in the Mediterranean sea.
According to http://www.history.com/topics/atlantis the origin of the Atlantis story is from Plato:
“Plato’s Critias says he heard the story of Atlantis from his grandfather, who had heard it from the Athenian statesman Solon (300 years before Plato’s time), who had learned it from an Egyptian priest, who said it had happened 9,000 years before that. Whether or not Plato believed his own story, his intent in telling it seems to have been to boost his ideas of an ideal society, using stories of ancient victory and calamity to call to mind more recent events such as the Trojan War or Athens’ disastrous invasion of Sicily in 413 B.C. The historicity of Plato’s tale was controversial in ancient times—his follower Crantor is said to have believed it, while Strabo (writing a few centuries later) records Aristotle’s joke about Plato’s ability to conjure nations out of thin air and then destroy them.”
Proof found near Cuba?
In 2001 a Canadian company working on a survey mission in conjunction with the Cuban government found a series of huge symmetrical and geometric stone structures resembling an urban complex. The find was reported in the media. Some people thought it might be some remains of Atlantis but then the story went cold.
Allegedly, the top of a pyramid sticks up from the bottom of the ocean floor between Cuba and FL. Sonar detected it is 18 stories high.
Edgar Cayce on Atlantis
According to the famous “Sleeping Prophet” Edgar Cayce, Atlantis was a real place that spanned from the Gulf of Mexico to Gibraltar, and was destroyed in a final catastrophic event circa 10,000 B.C. He also said Atlantis is linked to the Great Pyramid in Egypt.
Past Life Memories of Atlantis
Quite a few of my past life regression clients and I have perceived past life images of what they and I believe is Atlantis. One of them described the end of one of her lifetimes there, standing with a baby in her arms, watching in horror as a gigantic tidal wave approached her coastal city. In 1997 at a meditation group I had a clear past life vision of standing on a large balcony overlooking what I believe was Atlantis. I was communicating by thought transference to a woman next to me. We were in shock, thinking “This is it” because we “knew” everything would be destroyed the next day.
I believe Atlantis did exist as a large land mass between North America and Europe, and I lived at least eight lifetimes there. I also believe that my unconventional views of dating and relationships, and my metaphysical awareness, originate there and elsewhere. I realize those statements seem crazy to a lot of people, but if they experienced the past life visions and clairsentient feelings of “knowing” I sometimes do, they might not.
Atlantis could have been the last major, lost, advanced civilization on this planet. There could be dozens more, going back well over a million years. Conventional science says humans existed around 1.8 million years ago, but there’s a lot of evidence outside of the mainstream scientific community that suggests humans were around millions of years before that.
Perhaps you don’t hear about any other advanced civilizations besides Atlantis because souls alive on Earth today are living out positive and negative karma from Atlantis and not some other lost civilization. The souls from those other advanced civilizations may have moved on.
Did Atlantis really exist? Extreme skeptics (particularly those with a conflicting agenda) will find a way to explain away even the most compelling evidence, but according to Edgar Cayce, it will be found in the future, some of it in Egypt.
Copyright © 2015 Stephen Petullo
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