Hi Stephen, my name is Rali from India. I am very lazy in this life. Will it create bad karma that will affect my next life? i am very scared about this.
Hi Rali,
The answer is, it depends.
If you avoid doing what you must do to take care of yourself, such as exercising and eating a relatively healthy diet, the karmic result will be less than optimum or even poor health in later life and possibly in your next life.
If you avoid working when you could, then depend upon others for money, you will incur negative karma.
If you don’t take care of your children, including making other people or the government financially support them, you will incur negative karma.
If you don’t pursue the talents and dreams that are part of your path, and instead just sit on the couch all day and watch TV, you may have to come back again to give it another shot.
On the other hand, if you carried forward into this life a theme of having worked excessively hard in past lives and, or your physical body isn’t very strong, your body may demand more rest and relaxation in this life than the average person.
You may want to consider why you feel so lazy. Meditate on the root cause of your laziness and keep asking God, your Higher Self, or whomever you pray to until you receive more insight.
Lack of quality sleep, a poor diet, not enough quality protein and too much sugar and carbohydrates will make you feel tired and unmotivated. So will processed foods, drugs or excess alcohol. Try changing you diet, exercising at least four days per week (even a 20 minute walk will help), and turning off the TV and see if that makes a difference.
Are you afraid to live up to your potential? I’m sensing this may be true for you. A subconscious fear of failure, success, wealth, or fame, for example can also contribute to a lack of motivation. This fear may be the result of a past and, or current life experience. Meditate on this or try a past life regression MP3 to go back to the root cause of the problem.
Copyright © 2012 Stephen Petullo