I was possessed—The Huge and Hidden Problem of Spiritual Clutter
At age eighteen, I didn’t realize drugs open a negative spiritual door you don’t want to open. I’ll never forget this one morning, when I was alone, washing my face in front of a mirror in the large college dorm bathroom. It was 6am and the sun was coming up. I had been up all night drinking at a party and snorting cocaine.
As I rinsed my face, and looked in the mirror, crashing hard, I felt chills through my body. I saw an older, haggard, scary-looking man standing behind me. I blinked, looked again, and he had disappeared.
I told my friends I thought I may have seen the devil. Years later, I realized it was something else.
Unaware of the Problem
At age twenty-two, I thought I escaped the problems from excess partying because I quit drugs. Even though I was clean and relatively sober, I was unaware that years of partying were still affecting me. I had no idea I was suffering from some major, hidden, leftover spiritual residue from years of overdoing it. The frequent negative thoughts and feelings, heaviness, clouded thinking, confusion, anger, fear, delusion, depression, and anxiety seemed part of me since I had lived with it for so long.
Around that time, a spiritual friend told me about a meditation of visualizing a bright light in your stomach area. The night I tried it, I had terrible nightmares of monster-like beings taunting and chasing me. I told my friend I wouldn’t do that meditation anymore because of the nightmares. I didn’t believe in dark energy then and didn’t want to think about it.
A few years later, I found a book in a bookstore about lost souls and spirit attachment, which led me to other books about the subject. I realized I had all the symptoms, and dark energy was becoming more real to me. I learned spiritual clutter can affect everyone, it’s a major, hidden problem in our society, and spiritually sensitive people sense it more.
The Difference Between Possession and Spirit Attachment
Eventually, I learned the difference between possession and spirit attachment. Many priests who perform exorcisms claim most people who think they are possessed really aren’t. They say demon possession, when demons take someone over, is rare, and mental issues might be the problem instead. After reading about and trying clearing methods for the last 25+ years, I don’t dispute that. Exorcists primarily deal with demon possession and other dark entities, so that’s their focus when people seek their help.
However, it took me years to realize that lost souls and other spiritual and dark entities hanging around and influencing (and at times possessing or taking over people, especially while under the influence), are an entirely different problem, and one I’ve found is quite common.
Now I realize that scary-looking man I perceived after a night of heavy partying wasn’t the devil; he was a lost soul, full of dark energy, whose body died from abusing drugs and alcohol. He, and many other lost souls (an army of them), joined me during my substance abuse days to try to get his fix, and stayed with my energy for years afterwards.
How did they find me? The unseen, lower vibration dimensions are full of negative energies, including drug and alcohol addicted lost souls. Drug and heavy alcohol use attracts lower vibration energies like bees to honey.
Just as there are tricksters, brats and bad people in this physical dimension, the same exists in certain spiritual dimensions, and they can influence us on the physical dimension. They don’t want you to know they exist so they can continue causing trouble, and they can even masquerade as spirit guides if you don’t take precautions.
I made great strides in the battle against spiritual clutter when I quit drugging and excess alcohol, smoking, excess sugar, and meditated and exercised regularly. I had major victories when I began to understand the hidden problem of spiritual clutter, and began clearing away the layers and doing protection prayers regularly.
The Problem is Still Mostly Feared, Misunderstood, or Unrecognized
I estimate it’s affecting at least 80% of the population, and most people have no idea how it might be influencing them.
Unfortunately, possession and spirit attachment aren’t something we can physically prove (yet), but researchers have found a lot of evidence for it. The wonderful feelings of peace, clarity, and calmness I feel after I read my clearing script are enough evidence for me to take it seriously.
It’s Not as Scary as it Seems
Possession or spirit attachment, lost souls, and dark energy may seem scary, but they aren’t for two reasons.
First, we are in physical bodies and the energy outside of us isn’t. We have the right to protect and clear ourselves of any negative energy that isn’t our own.
Second, a lot of spiritual help to clear spiritual clutter, like Archangel Michael and other powerful, benevolent helpers, is available to us; all we have to do is ask!
Copyright © 2022 Stephen Petullo
Download Stephen’s free Spiritual Detox Script™ebook to find out more about this common, yet hidden problem, and use the easy, ten-minute script to clear your spiritual clutter. https://stephenpetullo.com/spiritual-detox/
Please share this article with anyone you think might benefit from clearing their spiritual clutter.
This article was adapted from Stephen’s book Half on the Other Side: How Ancient Spiritual Techniques Helped Me Deal with Substance Abuse, Depression, Sexuality, Gender, and Love. Read more about his journey of discovery about spiritual clutter, how it temporarily wrecked his life, and how he finally overcame it and other major dilemmas. https://stephenpetullo.com/books/half-on-the-other-side/