Do you look younger than your age?
When I owned a matchmaking service, a large percentage of members in the interview said, “Everyone says I look much younger than my age.” Some truly did, thanks to genes and, or very healthy living. Most didn’t, if you looked beyond the trendy hair styles and clothing.
How to know if you really look younger than your age.
When someone asks your age, don’t say, “Guess” or “How old do you think I am?” Most people will be polite and guess younger than they really think.
Instead, tell them your actual age, in a detached tone, with no hesitation or emotion, and observe their response. If many people are genuinely surprised or even shocked, you’re doing something right. If most simply say, “Oh” or give little response, it might be time for some self improvement.
It’s not your age. It’s your attitude and how you present yourself.
Do you use your age as an excuse when you don’t feel attractive or your love life isn’t going the way you want it to? I can assure you, based on my experience as a matchmaker and my own dating experience, that feeling and looking desirable has a lot less to do with age, and a lot more to do with doing the right things and avoiding what doesn’t work.
Ask a confident, fit, sexy woman in her 50s how her love life is. It’s probably better than that of many people half her age.
Yes, while single you might get rejected more because of your age as you get older, but mostly by people who are too young, hung up on age, and, or aren’t compatible anyway.
Getting Older Doesn’t Have to be Traumatic
You can look younger than your age and feel attractive at any age, but you must accept this way of thinking, let go of the notion that only people under a certain age can be attractive, and make an effort to look and feel your best.
Copyright © 2014 Stephen Petullo
photo credit: Beverly & Pack via photopin cc