What really keeps couples together? Why do some couples last, while others break up? The hidden reasons my surprise you.
You’ll find many superficial reasons couples stay together if you search online.
You’re more likely to stay together if most of these relationship warning signs don’t apply to your relationship.
Some couples claim making an effort keeps them together. But if that’s the main reason, shouldn’t the divorce rate be lower for other couples who made an effort?
Some couples credit their religion for why they’re still together. Does that mean they are truly happy or are they suffering in silence or denial because they are afraid of judgment from God, friends, and family?
Other couples stay together for negative reasons: fear of being judged for a “failed relationship;” fear of poverty; fear of being alone; fear of hurting your partner, and, or kids; fear of change; fear of the unknown. Sometimes those fears are very real, but often things can turn out better than expected if you gather your courage and do what you need to do.
If you delve beneath the surface and examine relationships in which both couples are truly happy and fulfilled, you’ll find some similarities:
1) They share a healthy love connection, not one based on romantic illusion or unreasonable or unsustainable expectations.
2) Their bond consists of good relationship karma. They might have worked out the major problems between them in past lives. In other words, they’ve earned it.
Note: not all couples who break up lack good relationship karma. Sometimes it’s just time to move on so they can experience other, destined relationships or focus on other parts of life.
3) They have destiny on their side. Their love life was fated to unfold in a pleasing way; they’re both happy and want to stay together. There is no such thing as “luck” when it comes to dating and relationships.
Don’t feel bad if you’re not involved in a happy, long-term relationship because the length of a relationship isn’t important from a spiritual perspective; what you learn and how you react is. The good news is that you have free will, within the framework of your fate, to make the most of your love life. Your happiness is up to you.
Copyright © 2014 Stephen Petullo
photo credit: Candida.Performa via photopin cc