I just learned a week and a half ago, at age 35, that my father is not my biological father. I had our DNA tested for health and ancestry information and the DNA testing company told me that I am not genetically related to my father. I’ve only been able to find out that I was conceived using an anonymous sperm donor and that he was a student at a NYC Medical School in 1978. It really upsets me to know that my parents never planned to tell me and put so little thought into the effects of their ultimately selfish decision. I am currently looking for my real father, but it doesn’t look good so far. Will I find him? Jeanine
Hi Jeanine,
This news must have been a total shock for you and I can understand why you want to find your biological father, but you may want to reconsider.
Even if you do locate him, which is unlikely, he may not be interested in meeting you or any of the other children he fathered through the clinic.
I urge you to look at the spiritual side of this situation. Souls always manage to get to the right parents, biological or not, for whatever experiences they need. Even though your biological father helped to bring you into the world, you are far more than just your physical body. Furthermore, it doesn’t really matter that your father is not your biological father since he’s loved you as his own.
If you don’t find and meet him, it’s okay. You are loved by many. Focus on that instead.
Copyright © 2013 Stephen Petullo
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